The Future of Tech, News and making sense of it all!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

No Agenda-The June Reboot

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Dear Producers and Supporters,

One week out of the entire month of May was successful insofar as contributions were concerned and the last Thursday show was particularly sad.

We want to start June with some excitement. Please, can you help us by contributing something to the Sunday show by clicking here for the support page.

The Sunday show promises to be another winner with the emergence of ludicrous ricin mail and other strange stories all designed to take your mind off the actual scandals going on in Washington.

Make sure to listen to the Sunday show. And your continued support will be morewelcome than ever.

On another note, I’ve been personally making comments on various online forums. I always end the comment with “This will be discussed on the No agenda Show. Google: No Agenda.” If you and every other producer commonly did this, your No Agenda show will grow faster and get new support. So tell people to "Google No Agenda" because often an actual  link will get pulled. You can help by making these sorts of minor plugs part of your everyday routine.

Sincerely yours,

John C. Dvorak
PS I’ll be changing the user support page this week. Check it out by clicking here.