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Thursday, April 9, 2020

No Agenda Newsletter

No Agenda News

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Dear Producer,
The pandemic continues as does your No Agenda coverage which is unmatched in its depth and insights. We continue to celebrate John’s 68th birthday this week with the $68 donation. Click here for that. And you are encouraged to help the show during the crises by contributing whatever you think this extensive overage is worth to you by clicking here. Your help is needed more than ever.
Dvorak birthday cake
No Agenda art
Tomorrow’s show looks at the failed epidemiology computer models which have now dropped the predictions from two million American dead to 200,000 dead to now 80,000 dead. The current tally is around 13,000 dead and most of those are from underlying conditions.

Some global warmists are trying to bring global warming into the picture regarding the pandemic. Others will surely show that these virus computer models – similar to the ones predicting three feet of sea rise and rising temperatures -- will have to begin to question the whole premise of global warming.
And there you have it. Geniuses.
Unfortunately, the pandemic will screw up a lot of calculations since industries have been shuttered and people are forced to stay at home. Once this blows over there will be a lot of consternation. You can expect to see praise for the shutdown and commentary as to how the pandemic shut down has given us a few more years before the “tipping point” of global warming. The “crises” has been temporarily averted.
melting glacier
Another major change you might expect from the public-at-large might be its attitude towards the media personalities. Most have all decided to broadcast from home and do piss-poor reporting over Skype using cheap gear. We all get to see inside their homes and offices which are often barren and sometimes pathetic. It makes you wonder if these people just sit home and drink when they are not in the studio.

It should be noted that the media is completely exempt from the stay-at-home edicts and could easily do these broadcasts in a professional setting. They all choose not to in a virtue signaling manner. “Look at me, stuck at home like you!” Some anchors in some markets decided not to seem amateurish and did go into the studio. Good for them. Watching some of this from-home dreck is unbearable.

Most podcasters do a more professional job.
Besides dubious backgrounds, all the shows have resorted to these horrid boxed images which are seldom centered or aligned. The sound is terrible in all instances. One person will sound great while another sounds like they are in a bucket.
Only your No Agenda Show can follow these stories and the mediocre media coverage with objectivity.

It’s the decision to not take corporate money that makes the show work. But this does require your continued support. And join the team today if you have never contributed. It is needed more than ever. Click here.
John C. Dvorak
PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
NBC set Ms Coffin out in front of the makeshift hospital in NYC.
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