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Sunday, May 3, 2020

No Agenda-The Saturday Memo

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Show 1239

Believe All Women?

Lockdown Ending Soon?
picture of Theo hugging a tree
Dear Producer,
It looks as if the country is re-opening slowly but surely. This should result in the end of the Corona virus lockdown and fear mongering. It will get the media back on track bashing Trump and boosting Joe Biden for President.

This week is Cinco de Mayo and every one who listens to the live stream knows that Adam sings “Cinco de Mayo” during the preliminary playing of the Flight of the Valkyries indicating the show is about to get underway.

More interesting is that Cinco de Mayo is also Theodorable’s birthday (he’ll be 3). You can celebrate both with a 5-5-20 or 55.20 donation to your No Agenda Show. Click here.
And as usual, you can contribute whatever you want to the show with a do-it-yourself contribution. Click here and contribute what you think the show is worth to you. Everything helps. All credit cards accepted.
cartoon showing chickens
Tomorrow’s show will address the latest Corona virus news (and apparent peer reviewed cures) and the supposed vaccine that is just around the corner. It is something the entire world will have to take before we are ever safe again, according to Bill Gates.
Bill Gates and his dog
A man of the people working from his lakesie mansion.
"Bill Gates house encompasses more than 66,000 square feet which is equal to 1.5 acres.The major rooms include 7 bedrooms, 24 bathrooms, six kitchens, and six fireplaces."
Meanwhile, nobody can explain the situation in crowded and cramped South Asia, specifically India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. They’ve adopted some social distancing and mask wearing but considering the circumstances, the infection rate is minimal. And considering the massive populations, it is almost non-existent. There are a few scattered articles discussing this, but the mainstream cannot find a connection to Trump, so they are passing it over. In crowded Africa the story is similar. What gives?
Social distancing in India
I wonder how this works at the train station?
In other news, the locusts are also under-reported and now it seems that a swarm of them may descend upon India and cause massive destruction of crops. Your No Agenda Show is following this catastrophe based on International reports.

The media here is now focusing on the Tara Reade accusations of Joe Biden and it’s hilarious to watch the apologists come out of the woodwork defending Joe’s behavior as merely touchy-feelie like a kind old uncle. He would never just grab someone. This probably would not go as far as it has if the Democrats were not promoting a “Believe all women” meme.

That has deteriorated to “All women should be heard.” And every commentator uses that exact phrase as if it was from some memo full of specific talking points. This all appears to be the tip of an iceberg.

You can be sure that if some other woman, assaulted by Joe back in the 90’s, hears something from someone that ticks her off, all hell will break loose. No matter what the media says, Joe did have a douchebag reputation back in the day.
Page from the Atlantic promoting Joe Biden
Apparently the Democrats are so over-confident that anyone can beat Trump, that they figure as long as Joe can stand up and wave, he's a winner. Of course this is telling us that the VP is who they want to be Prexy. Joe is already done. It's a trick.
And while on the subject of shenanigans, the Michael Flynn situation beckons and you should read this about it.
Flynn at hearings with others
Rogue's gallery of conspirators plus Flynn
No Agenda covers actual news with analysis you cannot get from a mainstream media that is largely controlled by big pharma and Communist Chinese Party interests. It not only unreliable, but potentially seditious. It’s definitely not your friend.

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John C. Dvorak
PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
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Apt cartoon
cartoon condemning Socialism with sarcasm
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