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Saturday, April 24, 2021

No Agenda-The Saturday Memo


No Agenda Mercury-News

Real Independent News
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All of a Sudden Italy Storms Back to the Fore of Covid?
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Biden wearing mask
Spot the body double.
Tomorrow’s Show
What is up with Italy? The Covid cases have skyrocketed and the hospitals do seem to actually be over-flowing, at least in some parts of the country. This is a very fishy situation. And what makes is particularly bad is that the surrounding countries and others (USA, Canada) point at Italy and claim whatever is going on there will be here shortly. Mask up!
Covid Venice
OH Vaccine!
Meanwhile the vaccination mania seems to have slowed down and since that happened they decided to release the Johnson & Johnson product back on the market. J&J got screwed enough it seems.
Screenshot of tweet
Tax Scambola
Finally, after a fuss about the Trump tax cuts, Biden is about to remove the only thing that hammered the rich. Trump planted a Federal Income tax cap of $10,000 on other taxes such as property tax and state income taxes on the rich which was discussed on the show in great detail. In other words if you were in a heavily taxed state such as California and New York, you could no longer write off these taxes on your 1040. It’s super wealthy Democrats who live in these states that moaned about this the most. Now it seems as if Biden is going to rescind these limits claiming this is helping the poor. It’s hilarious.
And, of course, more deconstructed news and analysis from around the world.
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John C. Dvorak
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Chart comparing Covid to 9/11
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