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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

No Agenda Newsletter


Real Independent News
If you want real analysis based on research and digging deeper into a story, No Agenda is your show. To keep it alive please support No Agenda any way you can. There are excellent ideas on the support page here.

No Agenda Tattler

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Show 1374

Covid Booster. But Why?!

Afghan Bug Out
Dear Producer,
After a mediocre showing last Sunday it’s time to pick up the slack with some support for your No Agenda Show as the news that affects you is getting hot and heavy. You can contribute whatever you think the show is worth to you by clicking here .

Or you can jump on the executive producer bandwagon. Click here for that..
NO AGENDA is Your Genuine Independent Media
1918 Photo
Sign of the Times: 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic
Tomorrow’s Show
Despite whatever else is going on in the world, the American news networks are focusing on Pfizer and Moderna booster shots. The importance of this is combined with a distinct number of scripted memes which will be played on tomorrow’s show. This includes the notion that there is a “pandemic of misinformation” and that natural immunity is no good. The latter which will be documented tomorrow is egregious if not disgusting.
Screenshot of TV show
The push is on from all sides!
$ Down the Drain REDUX $
Depending on who you ask, the American Afghanistan fiasco cost the US taxpayers between $888 billion and 2.4 trillion dollars in US Taxpayer money that could have been used for American infrastructure, including doing something about the ridiculous potholes in the roads and Interstate highway system as well as homelessness. The lives lost during the war does not help the calculation.

George “Mission Accomplished” Bush began the whole escapade and Obama promised to take the troops out and got elected for his promises. “You can take that to the bank.” The fiasco continued soaking up money.

Trump got in and sincerely tried to pull out the troops, but the US Military in the form of the Pentagon chiefs, who are supposed to do what they are told, pushed back and the best he could accomplish was a deal with the Taliban which would manage to get the troops out in May of this year.

And. indeed, troops were being smuggled out and could have been removed with an agreement in place with the Taliban. Once Biden got elected, and for reasons never fully explained, he reneged on the deal and changed the exit date to Sept. 11 for apparent sentimental reasons.. The Taliban thought this was bullcrap and simply took over the country over the weekend causing havoc of epic proportions.

To make matters worse, the expensive and elaborate military bases, equipment, Hummers, guns, ammo and all the high tech gear (paid for by the US Taxpayers who cannot get a pothole repaired in the USA) were all left behind to be confiscated by the Taliban for their use in controlling the population.

The only good news is that this new Taliban does not seem to be the old Taliban run by the lunatic Mullah Omar who prohibited everything that constituted fun such as dancing or even kite flying. This was the leader who the US Military had in its crosshairs in 2001 and who could have been killed, but some fighter pilot checked in with command for approval to fire and General Tommy Franks gave the order to stand down until they talked to the lawyers about the liability consequences of the kill. And thus the farce began. And, of course, the original story has been re-written many times and will continue to be changed.
Cinese and the Taliban meeting
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John C. Dvorak & Adam C. Curry
PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
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Actually Believable
Joke from the Onion
Source: The Onion
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