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Sunday, October 31, 2021

No Agenda-The Saturday Memo


Real Independent News
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Show 1395

Halloween Special

It's Spook-tacular
Dear Producer,
Halloween is upon us. Tomorrow’s show on Halloween is a Halloween special and invites the special executive producers. The standard EP contribution and be given the Halloween Special Executive Producer title for show 1395. Click here for that.

And you can always help the show with the random donation of any amount. Click here for that.
NO AGENDA is Genuine Independent Media.
Jack o Lanterns galore
A selection of 1400
Halloween Special
Every year various groupss challenge the somewhat silly Halloween celebration. In the past these tended to be religious. Some fundamentalist teachings have it that Halloween stems from old Pagan practices and should be abolished. Some see it as just the opposite and a mockery of old Pagan practices. Others see it simply as a good excuse for fun costume parties and an event for children to roam around "trick or treating"-- in often hilarious costumes -- and to understand their neighborhood better in the process.

Now there is a new twist.

“An elementary school in Washington state canceled its annual Halloween parade for 2021 after its faculty determined that the event "marginalizes students of color who do not celebrate the holiday," according to statement from the school.

The decision of the Racial Equity Team at Benjamin Franklin Day Elementary School was the product of five years of discussion, the school district said.

Not to be outdone, a woke school district in Michigan did the same thing citing “inclusiveness,” or lack thereof.

In fact there is no real rationale unless they are protecting the certain Baptists who refuse to tale part. What black, Chinese or LatinX kid does not love Halloween? Or is it racist to think that way? These are school districts filled with modeern socialist progressivess who need to move back to New York where they belong.

Little girl crying
Note to school board. Happy now?
Biden on the Move

Biden was meeting with the G20 to create the “Global Minimum Tax” meaning the idea of a tax haven for the smart and creative company is over. All companies need to pay a minimum tax globally, no matter what the books say.

This going to be sold as a “pay your fair share” of taxes targeting the biggest most lucrative companies out there causing them to increase prices. Eventually, all tax schemes trickle down to everyone.

Biden at G20
Yellen says “it will level the playing field” internationally. Maybe it does, but is that necessary? Doesn’t the capitalist system do that automatically? It should at least. These schemes are just a counter-productive money grab pretending to be about social justice.

Tomorrow Biden should be in Glasgow for COP26 where they will be dreaming up new ways to gouge the public.

Screen shot
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John C. Dvorak & Adam C. Curry
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Memes of the Week
CNN screen
Vaccination meme
Doctor meme
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