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Thursday, April 21, 2022

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Show 1444

The Cast Iron Pan Report

Wrapping the News Cycle!
Dear Producer,
Today is the fabled April 20, or 420 day. This number is commonly referred to by various jokers (such as Elon Musk) whenever they get the chance to promote the notion that they are “in the know” regarding marijuana and its usage and legalization. The entire origin story (in San Rafael of all places) is documented here.

No Agenda acknowledges this day with a $420 donation is dollars, quarters and even dimesClick here for that. Otherwise just support the show with any sort of donation of your choice by clicking here

And, as usual, you are encouraged to grab a valuable executive producership, perfect for the biography and resume. Click here for that...
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old hippies
Pot smokers
Tomorrow’s Show
Let’s see we have the Putin, Biden and Zelensky show continuing unabated with the mainstream media promoting war and death. Either that or they are clutching their pearls regarding Elon Musk’s desire to own or to “free” Twitter from the evil clutches of the left-wingers running the service. Your No Agenda Show is on top of it as well as lagging Covid news.
Putin with rockets
Pots and Pans Discussion

John has been promising to reveal his new cast iron ownership. Here is what you need to know.
The Cast Iron Craze

I’ve been collecting the best of the world of cast iron for decades. This includes classics from Griswold, Wagner and antique brands such as Erie. The newer cast iron has never been impressive until recently when it was determined that millennials would pay top dollar for very pricey extremely high quality cast iron pots and pans.

My son, Buzzkill Jr., is an adamant researcher and narrowed the selection of “best” down to two brands which were given to me as birthday presents as I would be the arbiter of the final top of the top designation. There turned out to be factory waiting lists (what is more millennial than that?) for these pans.

The two brands were Butter Pat Industries and Smithey Ironworks. Both are contrasts to the antique classics in that they have unusual colors tones tending towards reddish. The Butter Pat brand makes the larger pan that is incredibly heavy with a nice surface that makes cooking easy. The Smithey is lighter, seems to hold heat longer and whose surface is smooth as glass. Both are highly recommended but if I could only own one it would be the Smithey.

Both seem to be factory seasoned and perpetually non-stick. I’ve read online about how numerous people say they’d rather season the pan themselves and describe a rigmarole to do it. Yeah, ok, as it comes from the factory nothing sticks to the pan and it rinses clean with plain water. But that’s not good enough (eye-roll).

I have yet to do anything to these pans to require re-seasoning but anyone taking an SOS pad to these pans might have issues. You can do online research into “seasoning” a cast iron pan which does not entail much more than heating the pan to a high temperature then oiling it and letting it cool.

Check these pans out.
smithey pan
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John C. Dvorak
& Adam C. Curry

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Hypocrite of the Week
Biden tweets
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