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Sunday, December 11, 2022

No Agenda-The Saturday Memo

A decorate banner that reads "Happy Holidays."
Independent News Media You Can Trust
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No Agenda 1511

No Agenda Show 1511 album Art

Introducing the Christmas Knight.

Will 2020 be the Decade of the Lawsuit?
Dear Produceer,

As we head to Christmas, we wish everyone a happy holiday season and hope you will show some love and support for your No Agenda Show, which continues to be your best source of news analysis. It should always be a part of your daily information bundle.

You get insights not found elsewhere because the show is solely sponsored and supported by your direct contributions. So what you hear is never skewed.

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A photo of a Sydney, Australis Christmas scene with people watching the lighting of an elbaorate curch.
Christmas Knights
Anyone becoming a Knight between now and the end of the year can use the special designation “Christmas Knight.” This includes insta-knights. Click here for that.
A holly wreath used on the page as a design element.
Tomorrow's Show
The curious lawsuits regarding Camp Lejeune that were mentioned on the last show may be thematic. The Marine training base has a curious history including a race riot in 1969 and the murder of a female Marine in 2007. But none more interesting than a thirty year period of serving up toxic water from 1957-1987. It’s kind of frightening that it took 30 years to comprehend, let alone clean up the contaminated water. The cavalier Department of Defense was clearly non-responsive. This is an example of governmental organizations basic incompetence.

You will see the same revelations in some future moment with the same basic advertisements soliciting the public as you have with these Camp Lejeune TV ads. “Did you or a loved one receive the Covid-19 vaccine between 2020-2023? If so, you may be entitles to compensation…”

The more you watch hearings and listen to agency pronouncements (FDA, CDC) which parrot drug company talking points, you wonder about deep liability. Now while it is true that the vaccine makers are not responsible (by law) for vaccine injury claims (that is taken care of by a collective pot of money), they can be sued for fraud, false advertising, conspiracy and a host of other potential illegalities. And when it comes to this sort of litigation, the bigger the company, the bigger the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Remember a company called Johns-Manville? It was driven into bankruptcy over asbestos lawsuits by hungry lawyers. It still exists as a shell of itself under the stewardship of Berkshire Hathaway.

Is this the future for Pfizer and Moderna or any number of marketing-oriented drug companies?
A carton showing a table meeting. A dog is seated at the table and the lawyer says to the dog, "The prosecutor syas you have to roll over."
Musk Mania
And while on the subject of lawsuits, you can be sure that lawyers are burning the midnight oil over the Twitter revelations that confirm shadow banning and censorship of political candidates which looks to constitute illegal interference with an election, covered by various federal laws. This going to be rich, and your No Agenda Show will cover it all. Support these efforts.
Elon Musk holding money portrayed as a Christmas ornament.
Your No Agenda show covers and analyzes news without interference. This is because the show is not owned by a large corporation nor beholden to advertisers and is solely supported by you. There are no creepy advertisers or corporate or communist influencers telling us what to cover and how to slant things.

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John C. Dvorak
& Adam C. Curry

PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
The Show is healthier with sustaining donations known as subscriptions. Here are a few to choose from.
The favorite is the lucky $33.33 a month
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The 2022 donation to celebrate this new era. Click here for that.
And there is a weekly version of that too. Click here.
Hypocrite of the Week
Hyprocrite: Kate. First says 2916 election was rigged then condemns 2020 election deniers.
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