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Thursday, July 13, 2023

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No Agenda Show 1572

RFKJR Old School Fixer
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NO AGENDA is Your True Independent Medi
Jen Psaki says cluster bombs are "war crimes." The Biden saying the USA is givng them to Ulkraine.
The RFKJR Saga

The corporate media and its various cronies seem worried sick that RFKjr has any sort of chance of becoming the Democrat candidate for President. As far as they are concerned it's going to be old man Biden or possibly some young blood in the form of California governor Gavin Newsom.

Besides wanting Biden, the establishment wants Biden to run against Donald Trump whom they constantly assert is at the top of the polls and cannot be pushed aside by the various Republican “losers” like DeSantis, Christie, Haley and others, It has to be Trump says the media.

Everything is set up beautifully except for the pesky RFKjr who one analyst on NPR called a man with dangerous ideas, a conspiracy theorist. Listening to clips from the NPR show “On the Media” which focused on Kennedy, you think he was the anti-Christ. Amongst his supposed crackpot notions included “he does not think that trans women should compete with women in athletics.” Wow, what a crackpot he must be.

The left and the media would be totally screwed if Kennedy had an orators voice like the rest of the family rather than his shaky speech resulting from a case of spasmodic dysphonia, which makes it sound like he is struggling to talk.

While calling him a crackpot, nutjob and conspiracy theorist, the media can only find one or two instances where Kennedy can be disputed and they are minor. The rest of the accusations are just generalities that he is “dangerous” because he thinks certain vaccines may be harmful or that Drug companies advertising is bad for society or that trans women could ruin women's sports. These are dangerous ideas for some reason never fully explained.

When the media goes into the Dr. Fauci book by Kennedy and does a point by point refutation then they would have the goods on the guy, but they do not bother. It's just character assassination of the lowest form. A form of simple juvenile name calling.

In fact, all of this negative attention may be a scheme to capture the attention of MAGA Republicans as well as old school Democrats (the ones who have not signed the progressive woke manifesto). This is something to watch out for and should be taken seriously. And consider that this could all be part of a bigger scheme to actually get Kennedy in and prevent a Republican take-over, while keeping Californians Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom from getting anywhere near the Presidency.

Trickery lurks.

Dude with a wig.
Poland Follow-Up

On the last show there were various assertions of Poland's new job as a go-to country for the rebuilding of Ukraine and the new American go-to country for all things EU. This article is quite enlightening. What will catch your attention is this commentary by our ambassador to Poland, Mark Brzezinski:

Energy security, the ambassador said, is national security. Even before Russia's weaponization of energy, Poland was shifting away from Russian energy dependence.

'We in the US are supporting liquified natural gas, wind energy, and small modular reactors. Westinghouse working on Poland's first nuclear power station is a historic partnership that will define our relationship for decades,' Brzezinski added.

So, without any sense of irony, we're going to source a brand new nuclear power plant in Poland while eschewing the technology in the USA and having a hand in Germany shutting down all it's nukes in favor of wind and solar. Nothing to see here.

Screenshot of headline about Poland in Turkish news spaper.
A Couple of Funny Memes...
Meme indicating that the entire meical establishment is on the "take."
Meme comparing ingredients of fake beef with ingredients in beef.
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John C. Dvorak
& Adam C. Curry

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Hypocrite of the Week
Hypcrite John Pavlovitz says wwe should mandate vaccines then demands control over your own body.
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