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Sunday, November 17, 2024

No Agenda-The Saturday Memo


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No Agenda News 1713

Loading the Cabinet
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Shaved head women.
After WWII French women who were determined to be Nazi collaborators had their head shaved.

Trump Cabinet Conundrum

As Trump continues to load up his cabinet the left-leaning corporate media, led by the failing cable news networks of CNN and MSNBC as well as the Washington Post and New York Times, are freaking out.

It seems as if Pete Hegseth, Tulsi Gabbard. Matt Gaetz, and RFKjr are the lightening rods and targets of the media. Here are some of the points of the debate that are the weakest:

All of them have no experience running large bureaucracies, thus they should be disqualified. Having any expertise in these fields of endeavor are not important. All that matters is a track record of administrative experience. In other words knowing the deep-state “ropes” is the only qualifier worth having.

As has been discussed on the No Agenda Show it is obvious that an under-secretary will be assigned who has all these skills, but no matter.

When it is pointed out that Xavier Becerra, current head of HHS (Health and Human Services) was nothing more than a Stanford-trained attorney (who was placed as the California Attorney General when Harris had to quit the job) had zero creds in health or human services the push back from the CNN folks is that “two wrongs do not make a right!” People should read Kennedy's book on Fauci to discover he is an expert.

The counter arguments such as the Becerra appointment apply to everyone they are complaining about. It's the specific complaints that are interesting. Just yesterday that creepy Debbie Wasserman Schultz congresswomen declared that Gabbard was a Russian asset. Others have complained that Gabbard wanted out of Ukraine so she is automatically a bad person. She also wanted to have Assange and Snowden declared whistleblowers. Heaven forbid. The smears against Gabbard are second only to Kennedy.

Pete Hegseth is a unique case, Still an active Major in the Army Reserves the smear against him started as “he is just a host on a weekend Fox show.” Then he is ridiculed for only getting on the weekends by various broadcasters who consider weekend duty to be lame and bottom feeding. Since Hegseth is a decorated vet of two dubious wars they had to back off on this although print media still uses this assertion as some sort of insult.

This tactic has been completely replaced with he is a Christian Nationalist and White Supremacist because he has a huge Jerusalem Cross tattoo on his chest along with dozens of other tats. If that is not bad enough he had an affair (while married) with a producer at Fox and ended up marrying her. Somehow the Democrats have become moralists regarding the sanctity of marriage.

Last we have the much-hated Matt Gaetz the Congressman who liked to grandstand during hearings and was subject of a questionable investigation of his sexual life the results of which may or may not ever be revealed. He is particularly hated by Trump supporter and former speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy as Gaetz led the charge to have McCarthy removed as speaker. This sort of sin is never forgiven. Gaetz wanted McCarthy to help him quash the investigation against him and McCarthy claimed there was nothing he could do. After being ousted McCarthy hates Gaetz and this may be an obstacle. This is the one to watch for fireworks.

If any of these choices are rejected it will be from inside the Republican party and only because of corruption. If Xavier Becerra can be head of HHS, so can Kennedy. It is that simple.

You No Agenda Show will be the best source to follow all this.

Photos contrasting Secretaries of Defense.
Fun Memes of the Week
Schumer and McConnel whispering to each other.
Dog whistle explained.
Cartoon of "Emotional" support dog.
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John C. Dvorak
& Adam C. Curry

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Hypocrite of the Week
Hypocrite Michelle Baker mocks election deniers then becomes one.
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