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Thursday, February 6, 2025

No Agenda Newsletter


Decorative banner of an Eagle.
Eagle flies high while donations fly low.

No Agenda News

When Will Trump Take A Day Off?
Dear Producer,

Do you have any good ideas for some interesting symbolic donations? A few ideas have emerged such a the processor chip $65.02 donation. This is apt since tomorrow's show falls on the anniversary of the Jack Kilby 1959 invention of the first integrated curcuit (IC) chip. Click here for that. Ever own an Apple II, then donate for sure.

Of course the best contribution to the show is up to you. Choose any amount with the random donation. To contribute to the show click here to use PayPal or click here to use Stripe as your credit card processor.. Every dime helps the show.

Or become a hotshot with an Executive Producer title for 2025. This is a forever credit you will never regret. Click here for that.

Always remember that No Agenda only exists because of your personal support. And it only works with your continued help.

ALSO Sending a check to PO Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530 is ANOTHER way to contribute. There are various systems that will send checks for you too. Learn about these systems by clicking here. Non USA checks written in foreign currency are accepted.
NO AGENDA is Your True Independent Media.
And thank you for all your support.
The Show is healthier with sustaining donations known as subscriptions. Here are a few to choose from.
The favorite is the lucky $33.33 a month. Click here for that.
It has superseded the once popular $11.11 month. More lucky numbers click here.
Most recently the show offered the $4 a week or 75-cents an hour subscription which has become very popular. Click here for that.
There is also the $50 a month Knighthood layaway for 20 months. Click here for that.
And, of course, there is the do-it yourself open donation which is always welcome.
Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders in a "onsie."

Tomorrow's Show

It's a fun time in the USA with Trump steamrolling everyone just about all the time, at least so far. The sudden exposure and shutdown of USAID was the wildest thing to date, with more to come.

USAID has been discussed on the show for years as a sketchy front organization for the Intelligence community. One of its biggest detractors has traditionally been the new Secretary of State Marco Rubio who was also put in charge of USAID in an overnight take-down.

Elon Musk led the way with a band of young auditors that apparently were not allowed entry to the offices, then got in somehow and discovered rampant misfeasance with all sorts of creepy programs, some of which are a disgusting misuse and waste of taxpayer money. The operation was also seen as a CIA cutout for bribery and foreign intrigue. It would have been where anti-Trump espionage would have come from as the administration settles in.

And coincidentally on the heels of that agency collapse, the C.I.A. employees were all offered the same buyout deal offered to the stay-at-home workers. This was a blanket offer to quit the agency. Early in the Trump Presidency the 51 “former” CIA folks who signed off on the contrived letter calling the Hunter Biden laptop possible Russian disinformation, there is some suspicion that the agency will be scrutinized.

The Democrats are all squealing like stuck pigs over this USAID action. Why?

Next on the chopping block (and coming any minute) is the dissolution of the Dept. of Education and putting some of its functions back into HHS where they belong. This will probably be done as a wind down rather than outright shuttering.

Your No Agenda Show will keep track of the action for you.

Photo of Samantha Power.
Have we forgotten that USAID was administered by sad sack lefty Samantha Power?

War in Mexico

Using so-called OSINT (Open source derived intelligence gathering) one public operation (shown below) has noticed the USA has positioned monitoring aircraft around Mexico for some reason. The suspicion is that the US Military is going into Mexico to roust the major drug cartels pushing fentanyl into the USA. Nobody is saying anything about it. There may be an agreement in place with the President of Mexico and President Trump as Trump seemed rather satisfied with a recent conversation he had with her.

And naming the various cartels as official terrorists organizations makes them fair game for our military, or so they say. The recent shootings by Mexican gangs at the Border Patrol and some hikers might have been staged to rationalize an attack. According to one ex-Sinaloa gang higher up, these organizations know better than to take potshots at American police at the border.

OSINT Tech screenshot about surveillance.
Memes of the Week
Meme showing how much better cows are for the environment.
Meme equating tariffs with corporate tax
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John C. Dvorak
& Adam C. Curry

PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
Hypocrite of the Week
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