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Sunday, March 2, 2025

No Agenda-The Saturday Memo


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No Agenda News

Fight of the Century
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NO AGENDA is Your True Independent Media.
And thank you for all your support.
No Agenda SHow Album Art.
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The favorite is the lucky $33.33 a month. Click here for that.
It has superseded the once popular $11.11 month. More lucky numbers click here.
Most recently the show offered the $4 a week or 75-cents an hour subscription which has become very popular. Click here for that.
There is also the $50 a month Knighthood layaway for 20 months. Click here for that.
And, of course, there is the do-it yourself open donation which is always welcome.

Tomorrow's WOW Show

This past week when a supposed signing of a mineral deal was supposed to take place with Trump and Zelenskyy, all hell broke loose and a public shouting match occurred and Zelensky was literally thrown out of the White House. The expected luncheon that was to follow the meeting was given to the press corps as members of the media will never refuse a free meal.

The stories abound as to how this happened including more than a few that propose that this was a set up to help the world effort to get rid of Zelenskyy. After all it did begin with the arrival at the White House when Zelenskyy showed up late and was greeted at the door by Trump who ridiculed his attire. This attire ridicule was also brought up by a pool reporter.

Your No Agenda Show will analyze the entire event with theories and ideas you simply will not hear elsewhere.

Trump chatting with Zelenskyy.

The Marco Rubio Conundrum

Marco Rubio who specifically went on a podcast (excerpt from which play on recent show) to bad mouth Zelenskyy for saying one thing in private then showboating in public. The way this current “event” is being played seemingly backs him. But Rubio sat in the meeting next to Vance silent and annoyed. What are the possibilities?

Marco Rubio.

The EU Backs Zelenskyy

After the fracas various world leaders chimed in on mostly Twitter taking sides with Zelenskyy. While not condemning Trump they were in alignment almost to a person saying something to the equivalent that “ we are here for you, don't worry.”

This event could easily be part of a larger scheme to completely disentangle the USA from the workings of the EU. Trump recently accused the EU for only forming in the first place to screw the USA. This is a notion shared by a many observers. But why did he say it when he said it?

The EU needed to form to create a more powerful trader bloc to better compete with the USA. When the Europeans say that Trump in not a fan of Europe, they are right. And, in fact, the EU is resentful of American power and influence.

What we may have witnessed is a staged event designed to disentangle from Europe completely. This means our focus shifts completely to Asia and South America. South America, in particular, has been marginalized over time.

BBC Headline
Memes of the Week
Baby covered in blue goop.
Picture comparing Nosferatu to Ellen.
Post by a loser promoting himself.
Support No Agenda!
Your No Agenda show covers and analyzes news without interference. This is because the show is not owned by a large corporation nor beholden to advertisers and is solely supported by you. There are no creepy advertisers or corporate or communist influencers telling us what to cover and how to slant things.
John C. Dvorak
& Adam C. Curry

PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
Hypocrite of the Week
Hypocrite AdgirlMM who shows no care for people being laid off over Vaxx mandate but does so with Doge layoffs.
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