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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

No Agenda Newsletter

 No Agenda
Dear Producers,

As you know your No Agenda Show continues to be produced during the USA Thanksgiving Holiday weekend. These constitute two shows over the number one shopping holiday in the USA. Donations and support for the show plummets during this horrid weekend and we want to remind you that anything you contribute will help the show immensely. Click here and contribute anything.

And note! The Thursday Thanksgiving Show is Show number five-sixty-nine! 5-69.Think of the possibilities.

The show continues its quest to dig deeper into the Common Core screwball slave training curriculum being foisted on the public in the USA and apparently around the world. Each week your No Agenda Show uncovers creepier and creepier connections between the promoters of this agenda and various NGO’s and commercial interests. Thursday’s show will be no exception.

The Show has uncovered more unique and unreported information for you for theThursday show. Make sure you download and listen to Show 568 where Adam reveals some astonishing clips about the future of the Common Core program.

Good reading this week includes an essay about one of the key Common Core History texts here.  And here’s a reminder to read the Pierre Omidyar piece here

And, as usual, John will reprise his real story of Thanksgiving for you. Hint: the picture above is bullcrap. Note the Springer Spaniel. The breed did not even exist until the mid 1800's.

Your co-hosts,
John C. Dvorak & Adam Curry
PS The No agenda support page beckons. Become an executive producer today!