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Sunday, August 7, 2016
No Agenda-The Saturday Memo
If you want real analysis based on research and digging deeper into a story,No Agenda is your show. To keep it alive please support No Agenda any way you can. There are excellent ideas on thesupport page here.
Producers, The NoAgenda Show is still in the doldrums of summer and this continues for another month. We are actually getting less support than last year. We attribute this to an inability to get many of you past the media blitz of BS that can overwhelm even the battle-hardened No Agenda veterans. This means lies about Hillary, lies about Trump and lies about Zika.
An onslaught of lies.
Big media appears to be taking marching orders from outside sources. Is it the same source or a variety of sources? You can assume that there are at least 2 sources each promoting an agenda, and each getting more involved. Most recently ex-CIA boss Mike Morrell came out for Hillary. Just before that a rumor emerged that the NSA hacked the DNC. And while everyone wanted to blame the Russians, nobody has presented any proof and Jeh Johnson said last week that DHS is investigating the hack and have no suspects.
Meanwhile, I found this series of meme tweets that appeared as some sort of “shut up slave” moment regarding the DNC emails.Why is anyone tweeting this in the first place?
Seeing this got my attention. Why was this tweeted? What is his interest?
Then I spotted this as some sort of planted meme. Why, all of a sudden, is this some horrible "crime?"
No surprise here.
Does this guy know anything about Wikileaks?
What?? Wow.
The Russian connection is laughable, yet printed as fact. And all this coming from the paper that printed the "stolen" Pentagon Papers?
This guy chimes in telling everyone that using the word "stolen" is not a good idea for legal reasons. Yikes.
I’m guessing that this is some attempt to prevent people from actually going on WikiLeaks and reading the documents for themselves.
You will hear deconstruction of this as well as other breaking news on the next show. No Agenda is fully supported by you and would not exist if it were not for your support. The show needs you.
So please support your show by clicking here and contributing any amount whatsoever. You decide.
Sincerely, PS Also please take out a subscription. The current favorite is the 75-cents-an hour support subscription for $4 a week. Click here and sign up for that.