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Saturday, April 1, 2017
No Agenda-The Saturday Memo
If you want real analysis based on research and digging deeper into a story,No Agenda is your show. To keep it alive please support No Agenda any way you can. There are excellent ideas on thesupport page here.
Dear Producer, Today is April Fool’s Day so I get to be a total dick and use a gag subject line. That said, it might not be a gag forever. And that’s why helping the No Agenda Show stay in business is so important.
This will be the birthday show for yours truly and you are offered a Happy Birthday John donation amount of $65 for a callout or the lesser 4-5-17 ($45.17) to celebrate the actual date of the birthday. It helps the show and makes me feel a lot better and a lot older.
And you can always contribute whatever you want and whatever you please. Just click here for the open support contribution. You make the show work with your ongoing support.
Tomorrow’s show As usual the news cycle is churning out all sorts of idiotic memes and dubious news stories. Tomorrow we will again dissect it all. I’m particularly interested in the emergence of the head of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
This is one of the two oversight committees in Congress that are supposed to watchdog our intelligence apparatus and have done pretty much nothing since the mid 1970’s when Senator Frank Church was actually doing real oversight.
We almost got some oversight when then Chairwoman Diane Feinstein had a report produced concerning the use of torture by the CIA. Discussions ensued about how much information should be released to the public.
Frank Church showing his little friend.
On the No Agenda show we got to witness the various pundits and newsmen all condemn Feinstein for doing this. Using identical talking points and language these people self-identified as CIA operatives within the media. Notes were taken, by No Agenda.
It was valuable to the No Agenda Show, but few others paid attention. What got my attention was the fact that the new head of the Senate committee, Richard Burr, who before running for Congress was a sales manager for 17 years selling lawn equipment, said he would never look at the torture document produced by the committee when Feinstein was in charge.
Sem Richard Burr is known for driving a bumper sticker laden VW Thing. Click on images to read the bumper stickers.
I’m asking myself why he would take this position as the now Chairman? He’s obviously a useless stooge for the agencies he is supposed to oversee. They do not want him to look at it, so he doesn’t.
Now he’s pretending to be a big shot because, as a non-partisan Republican, he’s doing his duty by going after Trump and the evil Russians. The Democrats could not be any more pleased. And it is not because they are going to find anything, it’s because it is disruptive and war shills like Bill Kristol can scream “MELTDOWN” whenever they can.
But it does make you wonder why the Republican leadership put this Burr character, who seems like an embarrassing blowhard to me, at the top of this committee.
Your No Agenda shows digs into this unlike any other news analysis operation. And this is only because we have no obligations to corporate media which, I can assure you, would not allow these discussions. That’s why it is so important to contribute to the show. Click here.
Sincerely, PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.