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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

No Agenda Newsletter

No Agenda

No Advertising
Here is why
If you want real analysis based on research and digging deeper into a story, No Agenda is your show. To keep it alive please support No Agenda any way you can. There are excellent ideas on the support page here.

No Agenda Thursday Show

Who wants advertising?

Dear Producer,
There are many of you who receive this newsletter week after week, you listen to the show and have never contributed to its success. This is a shame since this show needs direct support from the listeners to continue.

Every so often someone tells us to give up on this model and just take advertising dollars from corporate sponsors and read ads, self-censor the content, and become yet another dull show whose goal it is to get you to buy something from the advertisers.
And while the value-for-value model that the show employs does indeed work and keeps the show away from corporate control. Perhaps it does not bring in the kind of money that a successful show can make with advertising.

So right in the middle of the show, instead of praising the individuals who support the show, you are told  how great Carbonite is to back-up your machine or how you should buy gold coins from a company known not to be the best vendor. Weird foam mattresses that come in a small box and off-brand razors are also sold to you with intense sincerity.

Who needs that sort of aggravation? And why would anyone advise it? Is it only because you as an individual are intent on never directly helping and prefer to be dissociated?
Most people who listen to No Agenda never contribute a penny. They do not contribute ideas, personal insight, art, nothing. Even praise or congratulations are beyond their reach.

Some disagree with the perspectives of the show and their only contribution is a complaint. These folks are hopeless and unless something changes, they will never help.

Then there are the rest of you who can be divided into three categories. The individual (or family) who openly and continually supports the show. These are the real producers. Then comes the one-time donor who thinks they did their part with a donation a year ago and that’s the end of it.  And, last, is the fence sitter who may finally come around after dozens or even hundreds of shows and then reluctantly donates, usually adding an apology
And while it would be great if everyone was in the first category the show actually needs all three groups because every bit of support helps. It’s just that things would be better if more people were in that first category with all the Knights, Dames, Barons and Dukes
To summarize, No Agenda has chosen a path of support that we are not about to change. And the show will continue to be the best podcast in the universe giving you insight not found anywhere else -- because we are only beholden to you.

Think about your personal support and add to it or start now by clicking the open-ended contribution here.
Your Co-hosts,
John C Dvorak & Adam Curry
PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.

PPS Or take out the 2017 special subscription of $20.17 by clicking here.
THE first baby pic.
Here is baby Theodore within hours after birth.
Ever want to have a a baby with another man?
Copyright © 2017 No Agenda Show, All rights reserved.
Thanks for being part of the No Agenda family!

Our mailing address is:
No Agenda Show
box 339
El CerritoCA 94530

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