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Sunday, August 20, 2017
No Agenda-The Saturday Memo
C:\>print reality.txt If you want real analysis based on research and digging deeper into a story, No Agenda is your show. To keep it alive please support No Agenda any way you can. There are excellent ideas on thesupport page here. C:\>
Dear Producer, Important note:Tomorrow's show 957 needs an Executive Producer. Get an excellent job credit. Click here for that.
Boston Protests? Yes, these are from Jan 29, though, when they were protesting the Trump immigration orders. Seems like a lot of effort here over nothing that affects that many iin the crowd.
Today, Boston is having an anti-KKK, ant-Nazi rally inviting Nazi’s to appear there and fight. This nonsense is going to continue in various cities for the next few months until people realize how stupid this exercise is. A supposed right-wing organization, which I suspect is fake, has applied for a permit in San Francisco, of all places, to hold a Nuremberg-type event.
Much of the action we are seeing are immature adults LARPING (live action role-playing) with other larpers. That’s one of the reasons that the police are often standing down. It’s the reason that nobody got expelled at Evergreen College. Of course, beating each other up while the police stand by and do nothing until there is a subjective point of “gone too far” is reached, is ludicrous. None of this should be permitted, but it seems to be encouraged with the action in Boston and, next, San Francisco.
The general public is very alarmed by all this and the media loves it because it can push its “elect more Democrats” agenda with a strong anti-Trump, anti-Republican message.
This is not what the media is supposed to do. They are supposed to inform you, not tell partisan tales.
This was outlined as a strategy in the last newsletter which I encourage you to read. Click here for that.
Have you ever noticed this endless parade of Democratic "strategists?" You have to wonder how many there are and who they work for. Do they do anything other than talk shows? It's ridiculous.
During this era of the conjured crises more and more producers keep saying that the No Agenda Show is more important than ever. Your No Agenda Show gives you plenty of real perspectives to consider to help you understand the cooked up events happening everywhere. It’s only becauseNo Agenda is not beholden to any corporation or sponsor that the Show can explore alternative histories and rabbit hole explanations that the M5M cannot even mention. This is important when there is no real M5M explanation for the event that they report.
Many things can be traced to public relations firms or monied interests that actually sponsor the news organizations. You’ll never find out anything from their reports and all you often get is ludicrous propaganda, much of it designed to harm you.
Please support No Agendatoday with a donation of any amount. Let’s hope the thousands of you who never contribute finally decide to do something. Click here.
Sincerely, PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support is important.
The Show is healthier with sustaining donations known as subscriptions. Here are a few to choose from.
Here is the one guy, probably a plant, walking around with this flag. How come no news media person asked him what he was doing there? He seemed to account for almost all the "Nazi" coverage, yet nobody spoke to him.