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Sunday, October 7, 2018
No Agenda-The Saturday Memo
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Hell no, we won't go!
Today the US Senateconfirmed Kavanaugh for the seat on the Supreme Court. Will protests continue after the fact? They will surely be revisited with the next male candidate because they are returned to the Anita Hill testimony regarding Judge Clarence Thomas as if he raped the woman as opposed to mentioning a pubic har on a coke can.
Some understanding of the dynamics of the Senate regarding the vote for Kavanaugh needs to be understood and its something not mentioned by the Senators themselves. These legislators cannot be bullied by a specific group of protestors into voting against the interests of their constituents. If these tactics worked then they will be used for more and more political action and the situation would worsen.
In fact, many Senators who may have voted against Kavanaugh because of his actual voting record and perceived attitudes about privacy were locked into supporting him because of the protestors. This made the vehemence counter-productive. This is all exacerbated by the threats to members of the Trump administration as well as to Senators like Cruz who was shouted out of a restaurant.
None of the protestors are Republicans anyway so what does any of this accomplish? The idea is really nothing more than to get out the vote by making a scene. Making a scene to get out the vote will also trigger the Republican voters, maybe moreso. Methodologies will be adjusted after the midterms. If the Democrats do not make a serious dent in this midterm election, it is hard to say what will happen.
Curiously this picture was supposedly shot in Germany and part of a protest there. All this is bigger than local politics.
The biggest fear (or hope) is that these people will get worse thus dampening any hope that 2020 will change things.
These are good times for the No Agenda Show because you can get the kind of real analysis that makes sense and gives you a secure feeling about the corporate news media and the vested opinion makers who try to manipulate their audience.
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Your co-host, PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
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