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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

No Agenda Newsletter

No Agenda Newsletter

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The Trump Conundrum

Second Coming of Surge
Dear Producer,
If your No Agenda Show has done anything for you during the Covid crises it has isolated the fact that Covid reporting at all levels has been filled with fraud and exaggeration with all sources of reporting from the hospitals to the agencies to the news media being complicit.

Once it is unpacked years from now it will be seen as one of the biggest scandals in US History with only a few identifiable beneficiaries.

But that is then and this is nowNo Agenda is more important than ever and needs your continued and initial support more than ever to keep you apprised of what is really happening by looking at the stories behind the storiesClick here and contribute what you think the show is worth to you. Everything helps. All credit cards accepted.
UK Death chart shwoing decline
UK Covid case count showing decline
These are the classic patterns, so why are they more freaked out than before??
You’ll hear about how the forces who seemingly want to ruin Western Civilization are employing the “butterfly” theory to keep schools closed. The butterfly theory says that if you went back in a time machine and stepped on a butterfly in 2000 BC it would massively change world history and how everything unfolds.

So with schools this basic idea is used to conclude that the schools should stay closed despite the fact that kids do not get the disease. It’s not about the kids getting the disease they all say. Kids are dirty and filthy and sneeze on each other they bring the disease home (despite not getting it), then they pass it on to the parents who pass it on to an uncle who passes it on the grandparents who visit the nursing home where everyone dies. And it’s Trump’s fault.
Gov. Gavin Newsome
California Gov. Gavin Newsome, your future President.
The arguments are rock solid (ha!) meaning nothing can be done despite the apparent fact that the disease peaked out in mid-April. Thus the schools are not reopening in any metro areas. That is until some sort of vaccine, real or imaginary, appears to save us all. Who knows what will be in it?
CDC Chart Showing declination of Covid Deaths
There is a lot more to cover including the Joe Biden campaign for President, which is endlessly entertaining. Whatever is important will be on tomorrow’s show.
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John C. Dvorak & Adam Curry
PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
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The favorite is the lucky $33.33 a month. Click here.
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Fox News Begins to Employ "Lashing Out" Phrase for Trump
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