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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

No Agenda Newsletter


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No Agenda Newsletter

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Show 1268

Biden-Harris 2020

Lithium Go Boom
Dear Producer,
There is a lot happening this week and the show will load you up tomorrow with a lot of fresh and interesting analysis. And the thing that makes it unique is the simple fact that it is information you cannot get anywhere else because of the nature of today’s influenced and controlled media that is designed to feed you propaganda and politically slanted stores.

No Agenda relies on your support to achieve a neutral perspective that is not determined by a corporate bias which has no interest in actual news but in selling products or ideas.

Please continue to support the show with a contribution of your choosing. Click here and contribute what you think the show is worth to you. Everything helps. All credit cards accepted.
Cover art
More cover art
Tomorrow will be an important show as Joe Biden has picked the last woman standing, Kamala Harris as his VP and potential President of the United States. This is not a great pick, but probably the only pick that was not crazy (like Michelle Obama or Susan Rice). Biden painted himself in a corner by saying he would pick a female VP then he was badgered into making it a Black woman by various interviewers as he began pandering to the “Black community.”
Kamala dancing
The first woman President.
The commentators who cynically said they wanted Joe because he could be pushed around like a feeble old man, just got confirmation. How the voters at large react to this is another question. You’ll hear a lively analysis.

Then there is the new analysis of the massive Beirut explosion with new claims that metallic lithium was a contributing factor will be discussed.

Also expect a China update as more arrests take place in Hong Kong.
Jimmy Lai Arrested
Then there is this oddity. Ousted White House associate Madeleine Westerhout’s tell-all account of life in the White House, titled, Off the Record, seems to be largely repressed because it portrays Trump in a positive light. Let’s see if they dedicate a whole show to this book on Democracy Now. Here is a good summary.
Book cover
No Agenda gives you a lifeline to reality. Today’s news media is seriously leading you astray if not gaslighting the public-at-large. Please support the show. Makes sure it continues since you are the reason the show exists. Click here and be part of the team.
John C. Dvorak & Adam Curry
PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
The Show is healthier with sustaining donations known as subscriptions. Here are a few to choose from.
The favorite is the lucky $33.33 a month. Click here.
The 2020 donation.Click here for that.
And there is a weekly version of that too. Click here.
Cat meme of the week
Cat inside a computer
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