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Saturday, August 8, 2020

No Agenda-The Saturday Memo


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No Agenda Sat. Newsletter

Show 1267

The Invisible Surge?

Ruination by Govt Edict
Dear Producer,
Today is the yearly “John & Mimi” marriage anniversary from 8-8-88. For that we have an annual $88.88 Happy Anniversary donation. Click here for that and day hi. This donation is greatly appreciated.

And remember you can always support the show with an open-ended donation of any amount. Whatever you think the show is worth to you. Click here and contribute what you think the show is worth to you. Everything helps. All credit cards accepted.
Tomorrow we continue to discuss some of the insanity surrounding the Covid surge including the fact that it’s now 95-degrees in parts of Britain and people are forced to stay in their homes sweltering-in-place.
95-degrees and this activity is banned? What are the elites trying to do?
Other countries continue to riot over the restrictions as the US public grumbles and in most places ignores the ordinances or employs workarounds. Meanwhile, many businesses are forced to shutter by edict. Not much can be done to save the failing restaurants and other business forced to close.

While a world public riots over this, the only riots we have in the USA are over statues as a subversive attempt by an unfettered few to overthrow the government and replace it with some vague socialist system that is “more fair” to them. These riots are actually encouraged by the inaction of certain local politicians who agree with the protestors and often march with them or cheer them on.
News is covered in a way that makes sense on your No Agenda Show. Facts and reports are analyzed and all the foibles and agendas are exposed. This cannot be done if someone else controls the message. Thus, we have no advertisers for a good reason.
As usual, the show will provide you with information and insight you simply cannot find elsewhere. Support No Agenda with a generous contribution this week. Help the show. Without your support there is no show. Please contribute something today. Everything helps. Click here and be part of the team.
John C. Dvorak
PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
The Show is healthier with sustaining donations known as subscriptions. Here are a few to choose from.
The favorite is the lucky $33.33 a month.
 Click here.
The 2020 donation to celebrate the yearClick here for that.
And there is a weekly version of that too. Click here.
News Clipping of the Day
Here (above) is a classic example of a bad headline that can be interpreted two ways. This is a result of a poor use of pronouns resulting in confusion. Let’s look at two interpretations of the headline by adding the pronoun references in bracket for you.

Interpretation one:
Joe Biden attacks Donald Trump for [Biden’s] ‘shameful’ claim he [Trump] is ‘against God.’

Interpretation two:
Joe Biden attacks Donald Trump for [Trump’s] ‘shameful’ claim he [Biden] is ‘against God.’

Number two is correct as it is explained in the article.

The headline should have read this way. (To make it fit the allotted space you remove the unnecessary first names.)

Biden attacks Trump for his ‘shameful’ claim that Biden is ‘against God.’

How hard is that? I won't even get into the editorializing and slanted nature of using "shameful" in the headline. Shameful to who? Who arbitrates this judgement? These newspapers have lost their way.
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