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Thursday, February 10, 2022

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Real Independent News
If you want real analysis based on research and digging deeper into a story, No Agenda is your show. To keep it alive please support No Agenda any way you can. There are excellent ideas on the support page here.

No Agenda Lookout

Show 1424

Duckbills 2022 Fashion

Destroying CNN
Dear Producer,
The show is coming up on Valentines Day and a week of Palindromes. Think of the great and meaningful news analysis and deconstruction of the mainstream media provided by your No Agenda Podcast. There is nothing that comes close. Make No Agenda your Valentine. Click here and become and executive producer for show 1424.

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NO AGENDA is Genuine Independent Media.
Antique phone
Tomorrow's Show
Hopefully, the administration will be winding down the saber-rattling over Ukraine and maybe the Russians will end their “military exercises” and go home. Of course, Putin has said all alone that Russia had no intention of invading Ukraine, so if they actually do not invade Ukraine how is that a victory for anyone? Will Biden take a victory lap despite telling you that the Russians were going to invade any minute. This has farce written all over it.
Putin's massive desk
Putin's ludicrous new desk.
What's With the Duckbill Masks?

At more than a few Biden speeches a number of people are wearing the KN95 “beak mask” sideways so it looks exactly like a duckbill. Biden, of course, never says anything about the misuse of this mask. Photo ops look pretty ridiculous. Instead of running the elastic band over the ears you run it around the head and neck area creating the duck bill “look.” It’s impossible to tell if this is done to mock the mask wearing or if these folks are idiots

N95 mask
N95 mask 2
N95 mask 3
The Coming of John Malone

Billionaire media mogul and recluse John Malone will be the man behind the scenes at CNN after the sale by AT&T of Warner Media to Discovery is finalized. The whole Warner Media (formerly Time-Warner) was bought up by AT&T years back for over $80 billion. It was finally unloaded for around $40 billion once again proving that AT&T are bonehead investors. Malone, a Trump supporter, is intent on putting CNN back in the news business rather than allowing the operation to remain the ersatz publicity department for the DNC. There should be a countdown clock for the removal of Don Lemon. You’ll find elements of the story in this article.

John Malone
"Do I look like someone who will put up with bullshit?
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John C. Dvorak & Adam C. Curry
PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
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