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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

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Show 1428

Russia Pulls a Fast One!

Palindrome Week
Dear Producer,
This is Palindrome Week+ with every single day from last Sunday 2-20-22 to next Tuesday 2-28-22 being a palindrome. You can celebrate with a row of ducks/geese $222.22 (yesterday’s dynamite palindrome – also known as Tuesday’s twos day). Click here for that.

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Tomorrow's Show
We discuss the weird workaround Putin figured out to supposedly free the breakaway provinces of Ukraine. He declares them independent. Then sends troops in to keep them that way. By his logic he did not invade Ukraine let alone target Kiev as our intelligence sources claimed. This, of course, crashed many stocks in the market as Oil and arms suppliers skyrocketed.
Vald Putin
"Nothing up sleeve."
Canada is Getting Worse
The average Canuck is befuddled by the clamp down on bank accounts and the sudden doxxing of honest citizens followed by threats of insurance cancellation and other onerous acts. The collusion of the banking sector with the government to create a system of punishment without due process is the worst thing that can happen in a Democratic state. You do not even need a criminal justice system or courts, just steal people’s money and jobs without any sort of due process and call it a day.

While we point the finger at Canada, this mechanism was developed and perfected in the USA when any sort of dissent was punished by banishment by social media platforms and payment systems. Again, there is no due process.

Matt Taibbi and Glen Greenwald both discuss how this works in recent essays. It all began, in earnest, with Julian Assange and Wikileaks during the Obama administration. It’s not as blatant as the Canadian announcements, but had led to incredible banishment and financial attacks.

A paragraph from Taibbi:
Clipping from Taibbi column.
The fact that the news media seems ok with this attack on the press, is the biggest indictment of the mainstream media to date. Governments will do this only because they can. Things are so much easier when you do things by edict.

Democratic governments can only get away with it if they get support from the public and that support is created by the media. In Canada the government actually subsidizes the media. In the USA the M5M has simply been co-opted by the government by employing ex-intelligence officers who have infiltrated the organizations and who toe a government line.

These people have no business in journalism, not because they are not competent and knowledgeable insiders. It’s because they’ve signed lifetime non-disclosures and secrecy agreements which do not allow then to be honest. It’s because they are not serving the public, they are serving the government. That’s not what the media is supposed to do and it has to stop for the good of the country.

This means the full re-establishment of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 prohibiting the government from using propaganda techniques on its own population.
Cops kicking people.
More Covid coverage as things wind down. Trump predicts that after the Ukraine fiasco that China will take Taiwan. A truck convoy is headed to Washington DC mirroring the Canadians. The schism in the Democratic Party is so bad that next week another Democrat is going to give a rebuttal to the Biden State of the Union. There will also be a Republican rebuttal. And the story gem of the day says that women should do more housework, it is specifically good for a woman’s heart. This should get some attention from the woke.
Your No Agenda show covers and analyzes news without interference. This is because the show is not owned by a large corporation nor beholden to advertisers and is solely supported by you. There are no creepy advertisers, big pharma stooges, intel agencies, or Chinese communist influencers telling us what to cover and how to slant things.

Please contribute to support the show today. Click here and be part of the team.
John C. Dvorak
& Adam C. Curry

PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
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Hypcrite of the Week
Contrasting tweets
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