As a superfan of big brother, watching from season 1 of US and then Canada when it came along. Casting has always been better in Canada but that is because of the diversity. BB USA is now dealing with the WOK Police but as someone that has worked in Television for over 30 years, I feel I have a pretty good understanding of the production side of things. In fact this is what intrigued me all those years ago.. a human experament where Telvision truly does rule the world.
As the seasons would pass and social media became a thing, what you say and how it is perceived by people is truly amazing. Just look at the ongoing "telephone" that has already happened this year.
Moving to the most recent blow up with Kyle getting the boot for touching the 3rd rail about "race". Personally, yes I am white, I knew the moment he started referring to "last year" and "the cookout" that it could be very bad for him. Yes, production "went easy on him" as some would complain about that because they were watching the live feeds. Note that your feeds went to "fish" (why did they lose those fish when they still have that stupid music?) There would already be a lot of contraversy about what was said, let alone once you get out of the house. Kyle realized the fact that the "R" word was being thrown around and immediately went to production (diary room). As this point I am again going to say I am not making a personal opinion but stating what I know about production and television. When this happened I said to myself, "self, you knew this would happen when Season 15, Aaron and the rest of the "racist" cast. From that point you move to what just so happened to be a very ingenious play by "The Cookout" last year, to legitimately have a "buddy" that just so happened to befreind and become their closest alliance (other than the number 1 alliance, the cookout, that they all agreed on--but could they stay loyal).. that should be the question.. not what colour of skin they happened to have.. large alliances never last. Just look at this year's 7 person leftovers. The cookout managed 5 to make it all the way to the end, quite underheard of and beat out other legit 3 person alliances which I believe is pretty much the most to get to final 3 so final 5... impressive..
What I find to be the biggest complaint about this year's season 24 of Big Brother US to this point is how there appeared to be not one person that we saw, actually went to Kyle to ask "is this true" or Kyle going one on one, other than to appologize from the house meeting, for which we only see Kyle's aplogies because of his racial tendancyes. And, as Terrance stated, which I also felt was pretty obvious, that Kyle had mentioned from like Day 1, that he was Mormon and so growing up in a pretty sheltered culture... but that is no excuse, I get that.. but then again, Terrance gets it.. give the kid the benefit of the doubt (especially if not one person actually talked to Kyle directly about things).. I say this because as you watch Sunday's (S24E25) you see how everyone (other than Michael or Brittany) are happy about the outcome and are now second guessing their eviction of Kyle. Now that Taylor has told Brittany who she would go after--Monty, so now M & B have more juice on her to use against her. The fact that two white people went to two black people to first see what they would think about what Kyle said (obviously aware of what they were doing). As both Terrance and Monte figured that the "timing" was pretty suspicious. Good for them! This is where production should have probably stepped in (before M & B went to Taylor and Monte by calling them individually into the D/R... they do this all the time when they see the script is not going as planned..
They all go into the house knowing it is a game and that some people will do pretty much anything.. as the prize money also goes up.. and the social media "15 minutes of fame" affects each cast member for the next few months or years, depending on the player.
Since Dan G could survive his own funeral and then go on to win, it is unclear how things can get much worse. For me, I like Michael right up until his big mistake and that was taking Brittany off the block, showing his weakness everyone picked up on, but far too late as they realize Britanny is ok with 2nd place... that is everyone except Taylor who spilled her tales about wanting Monty out (which is true as he will have to go in order for her to win but she would still take him to final 2 and settle for 2nd herself but at least it would be a more fair final 2). Although there were supposedly "superfans" in this year, they certainly didn't show it. Alysa says she is (but not as much as her Mom), yet she has been a deer in the headlights all season. Daniel recognized Michael right from the start and put him on the block the first week.. now he is 5 people away from winning.. or will he? Jury management has proven to be a joke in US Big brother.. I am sure, even though they are all saying there is no way anyone else is going to win if they are sitting next to Michael, so they have to get rid of him. Instead the thinking should always be the end game. Michael's mistake was making this into a race thing in the first place over a very loose conversation. Then wining the veto and using it on Brittany. The house already knew they were a duo and knew that Britanny had accepted 2nd place so it was no shock that he took her down. Yet jury, which is going to be comprised of a number of non-white cast. So is Michael second guessing himself and thinking he should not take Taylor off the block because he is white and she is black and that would look like he is ?? showing that he is not racist? I just don't get it. Did he really think that Brittany would go over Taylor? But how is that possible when they were also in the alliance? Did that play into Michaels thinking? Probably not. But good ol Terrance and later, Monte recognized it.. knowing that jury management is critical.
The fact that you have Brittany who is a doctor? ph.d? licensed therapist? to be honest, her putting people like Alysa into a 'transe' for her back pain and then tell the tv audiance how she really has Alysa's back "literally" and who knows.. if she is a professional, she may have done something that hasn't been spoken about in the BB house.. profesionals.. you are playing with a very fine line if you think about it. So for RACE to bear its ugly head on this season, I find it unfortunate that production (who can quite easily sway the houseguests through diary room session questioning techniques).. You word questions one after the other, focussed on a specific topic without actually saying what it is, insinuating happens within the minds of these vulnerable house guests.
WOK? Hell yeah! Years ago alcohol was flowing and some of the greatest entertainment came from it and deep, interesting facts would come out about personally we were closer with the cast. Now, each new season is placeholdered to previous season "stars".. Nothing wrong with being as good or better than Doctor Will who stated from the beginning that he would lie and pretty much be an ass the entire season.. it worked because he was the fan fav as well. With Social media (what used to be social networking ) a huge part of today's society in everyting we do because we all have a phone/camera attached to our hand almost at all times so taking a picture and commenting on it has become a pretty big deal. Tweet that bitches!
This is my first post this year about Big Brother. I have always enjoyed the show. What I would change.. Lose Julie Chen.. Bring in an ex Winner. Yeah I know the old Jeff and Jordon started to grow pretty thin, as did Rachel, Cody, Nicole.. it was almost as though they were under contract that if they didn't win or get to F3, they would be invited back. But then every good story needs a villan and a hero. Unfortunately that is the problem with seasons and seasons. Taking the data and instead of monitor and work with it, try to manipulate it into better ratings.. wrong way to go about things.. and THAT is where I think we are today in season 24 with it really becoming first a "think" in season 15. Why this year? Because of who won last year.. a most deserving cast of players as it became quite evident when the Cookout steamrolled to the finale. It was a great season.. too bad the original production team are now all executive producers and don't give a shit about the quality. Do away with the Instagram stars who have never seen the show. You don't need to bring in ringers when you have this many years of fans to choose from.
An example.. google Big Brother US and the result shows this
Janelle, Nicole, Ian, Christmas... these are the most googled or ? How was it decided? There are so many rabbit holes you can go down when you start to speculate who is a racist and what makes them a racist and on and on.. yes, Kyle needs "therapy" as in real world experiences.. not some quack that says he is simply a racist and there is nothing you can do about it.. he knows he has lived a sheltered life.. when I was a kid stick and stones was a big part of the saying.. cause they hurt.. yes words.. they hurt too but you really have to put things into perspective.. that is what production and their team of lawyers must do at a moments notice (note they wouldn't let Kyle in D/R up or down initially--because they knew they needed to get the right people in the room cause it was looking like a self-evict).
My fav player .. I like Turner's play.. laid back and friends to everyone. Terrance has been given the worst treatment in my opinion and as the old man in the game, being on the block a number of times and not being in an alliance he has done very well. I truly felt so bad for Taylor early on and the Mean-Girls Club. Yet Jazmin was the queen of that club and made it quite far--thanks to her ankle and the cast that felt sorry for her.
Joseph played too hard.. his lawyerness started to become pretty apparent to me as he stayed back and then as people grew to like him, started to influence and enhance his profile to the point where he was a bro-mance with Monte that had those two looking like a power duo so if it didn't happen when it did, it would have likely had Michael pitting them against each other and then keeping to the background. But then again, that is also speculating what could have been..You really can't do that in this game once it has happened. We don't know the full script and to be honest I don't know if the production truly has all the angles covered. How can you? You have each season to build from but socially you have no control over what is happening in real time, real life.
This is where production has to have guidlines which should be made available (maybe they are?) to the public.. Look at 911.. they told the house. Covid in Canada season they ended it early. To what point? I will be interested to see the reprecusions of this season's racial issues for future seasons. I would hardly guess that this would ever blow up to the point where it would end the series all together...
I could go on but I have said enough for now..