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Saturday, September 17, 2022

No Agenda-The Saturday Memo


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The No Agenda Review

Show 1487 Newsletter Album Art
Show 1487

California Vs Florida!

Three Ridiculous Photos
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Money laundering
Tomorrow's Show
Look at any news rundown and what is missing are stories about the powerful typhoon nearing southwest Japan. It’s going to be disruptive, historic and will make a huge mess. Yet the coverage is missing proving that all the talk about a “pacific focus” an “era when we focus away from Europe,” etc. etc. is baloney.

In that regard why doesn’t ESPN show highlights of the Grand Sumo tournaments instead of European women’s soccer? Have we ever seen or heard of or given highlights of the Taiwan professional baseball scores? Where is this supposed focus on Asia? Cricket scores? Where are those?
Sumo match
Free Trips for Refugees
Not to be outdone by Texas governor Greg Abbott, Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida, shipped 50 migrants to Martha’s Vineyard in a stunt that chewed up all the weekend news coverage. This included a moment when the needy Gavin Newsom of California accused DeSantis of “kidnapping” despite the refugees volunteering to go. The whole episode was an exercise in Liberal hypocrisy. Once the governors get a handle on the cost of keeping the migrants versus shipping them to various “sanctuary cities” who claim love for any and all migrants, this will explode as a money-saving mechanism.
Racist NBC tweet
Once the racists at NBC realized what they just said, this tweet was taken down.
Photoshop Challenge
Who calls bullcrap on these remarkable images?
Man to be run over by bull
A lot of fake photoshopped images work because they reflect wishful thinking on the viewers part. If this was real, there would be a second pic.
Funny looking cat
This cat cannot be real. It looks as if it is a white cat and someone got creative with a black Sharpie
Grand Canyon
This must be some excellent Photoshop work. The thick bolt of lightning is a bit much.
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John C. Dvorak
& Adam C. Curry

PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
Hypocrite of the Week
Jonathan Jewell: Hypocrite
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