Tomorrow's Show The Lloyd Austin conundrum continues as observers are saying that the recent video of Austin supposedly in his home was someone else and this could be proven by voice prints and general appearance. Then, out of the blue, he is hustled back to the hospital. The thesis, of course, is that Austin was in Ukraine on January 2, obviously to consult with Ukraine on tactics or who knows what when he was killed by a Russian attack. The Biden administration could never admit to the foolhardiness of having Austin there consulting in the first place. It's a problem. It has to be obvious to Russian intelligence when American or EU bigwigs roll into Ukraine since they all seem to come in through Poland on the railway to Kiev. That train has to be crawling with spies. Otherwise you'd think the line would have been bombed out by now. Of course, insofar as Austin is concerned, the best cover-up would be to say that he “died suddenly” and blame it on Covid, although it may not be too late for that. Otherwise this can drag on forever. |