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Saturday, February 24, 2024

No Agenda-The Saturday Memo


Decorative Winter banner showing kids playing in snow.

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Ronald Reagan and the Deep State

A lot of Republicans point to Reagan as the great Republican within recent memory, but fail to recognize that he's responsible for today's version of the security state. Let's examine an analysis from a underground publication (from 1973-1984 during the last major economic downturn) called Counterspy. One lone copy of this magazine is found at here. Anyone having any other copies are encouraged to let people know. They seem quite rare now.

In the Feb-April 1982 edition was this eye-opening essay describing how Reagan gave the Central Intelligence Agency powers that exist to this day. This includes police powers and an encouragement to spy on the American citizenry legally. The facade that the Agency cannot spy on Americans is nonsense but propagated by the captured media. Here is an excerpt from the 1982 Editorial explaining all this:

As a member of the Rockefeller Commission to investigate the CIA (set up by President Gerald Ford), Ronald Reagan joined in its unanimous recommendation that: "Presidents should refrain from directing the CIA to perform what are essentially internal security tasks. The CIA should resist any efforts, whatever their origin, to involve it again in such improper activities." The Commission, which included CIA collaborators, was only asking the President and the CIA to abide by the National Security Act of 1947. The Act prohibits the CIA from having "police, subpoena, law-enforcement powers, or internal security functions."

On December 4, 1981, President Reagan signed Executive Order 12333 which, while purportedly in accord with the National Security Act of 1947, allows the CIA to engage tn police functions and domestic covert operations. Aptly described by the New York Times as the "Son of Operation CHAOS" the Executive Order was denounced by former FBI agent, Representative Don Edwards (D.-Ca.): "It still puts the CIA smack into secretly operating within the United States... it permits them to enter into arrangements with state and local police... and Americans overseas are wide open to surveillance, regardless of any connections to foreign governments or criminal activity."

In addition to this major enhancement of CIA powers, the administration has initiated measures severely restricting news-gathering about government operations. According to the International Press Institute, these restrictions pose a "potentially serious loss of public accountability." More recently, it has been reported that Reagan is set to sign an executive order on the Freedom of Information Act which would all but exempt the CIA from compliance with requests for information. Certainly these measures undermine U.S. democracy, but the full import of Reagan's CIA actions can perhaps best be understood by looking at recent history.

The editorial continues with more bizarre history, but tends to explain the screwball politics of today, a situation where nobody seems to know who is running anything after a sketchy mail-in ballot election of 2020. And while Executive order 12333 has been modified over the years the modifications have done nothing to change the basics. Ronald Reagan essentially established a Secret Police. So secret that nobody even knows about it as it hides in plain sight. Also, you have to wonder if it is a coincidence that earlier in 1981 weirdo John Hinckley, Jr. tried to assassinate Reagan out of the blue over Jody Foster. Did that provide any encouragement to implement EO 12333?

Photo of Ronald Reagan giving the thumbs up.
Good luck America!
Hilarious Memes. Pass them Around.
Picture of Willie Nelson looking like Greta Thunberg.
Joe Biden in 1973 saying gays are a security risk.
Photo of a huge fat naked feminist holding a spear.
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John C. Dvorak
& Adam C. Curry

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Hypocrite of the Week
Hypocrite David Lazarus. Says it is bad to attck families of politicians then attacks the Trump family.
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