Tomorrow's Show As you've heard on the show, often the power of suggestion can influence the actual words you hear. This has been demonstrated over and over on the show. In the last week or so the problem of mishearing has crept into the mainstream with some podcasters mishearing the words gunman thinking they heard government and the heads of an important media group and politico writer hearing the word “colored” instead of the word “college.” Mishearing has suddenly become a thing and is similar to the gold dress/blue dress anomaly of some years ago. One oddity that emerged from this is that it seems that the word “colored” is as bad as the n-word, yet the term “people of color” is not only OK but encouraged. And it's shortened term “poc” is acceptable when it sounds exactly like “pock” as in pock mark – an ugly scar, which seems more derisive than anything. This needs to stop as too many ludicrous lines are being drawn in the sand and it is a burden on the populace. Only your No Agenda Show attacks these issues with any sort of quality analysis. This is why your support is needed. |