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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

No Agenda Newsletter


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No Agenda News 1686

Kamala and the Bloodless Coup
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Tomorrow's Show

The Kamala Harris for President bandwagon plows ahead unabated using the "hide-away and only read from scripts written by professionals" method. This appears to be a winning strategy as long as the candidate remains captured and sequestered by the handlers, whoever they are.

This worked great with Joe Biden and can work again, and might work again. With Biden the excuse was Covid and poor Joe has to be in the safe basement away from people. Even when he came out of the bunker it was to odd rallies such as the one in the drive-in theater where the cars honked horns as a form of applause.

None of this works, however, without mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, cheating and rigged elections in certain “captured” states although this is probably unnecessary in much of the country whose voters are simply ill-informed and vote for a candidate just because she is a woman. Or just because she is black.

The shallowness of the electorate has been a concern since the 1920's and probably was never a population of people who thought for themselves. This was exploited to an extreme by Franklin Roosevelt who got voted in 4 times straight despite an inability to end the Great Depression and getting the country somehow involved in a two-front war with Japan and Germany.

Anyone who had relatives or parent who went through the Roosevelt era praise him to an extreme to this day. At the time his own party, the Democrats and the banking interests, tried to oust him with a military coup. This was eventually covered up by the mainstream media and many of the details lost in the shuffle after a Congressional investigation. It's similar banking interests running today's Democrat party that are attempting to literally install Kamala Harris as the President. They figure that the public is too stupid, in general, to stop them.

The problem is they have to keep Kamala away from the public eye and scrub the Internet and the archives to minimize the damage she has already done to herself. It is quite possible that we will not hear one serious moment in the next three months where someone actually chats with Kamala about her policies. It's also possible that Walz will be exposed since he appears to be a conceited blow-hard and loose cannon.

It does not look good and the Republican strategists seem flat-footed. Where is Kellyanne Conway when you need her?

Photo of Kamala Harris in front of fake crowd.
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Memes of the Week
Kamala with Hairy supposed woman.
Tim Walz dressed a Generalissimo.
Meme showing wimpy males admiring Taylor Swift.
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John C. Dvorak
& Adam C. Curry

PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
Hypocrite of the Week
Hypocrite Barbara Malmet is election denier with Stacy Abrams then complains about election deniers.
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