Tomorrow's Show The news trajectories have not changed, but the rhetoric of the politics has livened up. This includes more celebrity endorsements including the latest from Bruce Springsteen who claims “Trump is a threat to Democracy.” Wearing a decidedly lesbian outfit inside of am empty diner “the boss” rambled on and on to promote Harris for President. You may recall he already promised to leave the country if Trump is elected. Most people are still waiting for Barbara Streisand to leave after Bush got elected years ago. She is still here. So this begs the question, when did celebrity endorsements become a “thing.” The first President that became closely associated with the celebrity class may have been John F. Kennedy and his stylish wife. But pure celebrity endorsements by the boatloads were most apparent with Hillary. Earlier in the game it was seen as risky to take sides lest you alienate the audience. Before Clinton most political activism was non-partisan and about policies, not politicians. The Viet Nam war protests were the best example until the pro-Palestinian protests of late. Before Hillary the celebrity endorsements were scant and only done by a political class of Hollywood elites who nobody cared about. Barbara Streisand being a great example. The risk today is hypothetical. Let's say research indicates that Taylor Swift and her legions of so-called “Swifties” actually influence the election and it it can be proven. Harris gets elected and the country falls into a terrible depression and falls apart. What then happens to Taylor Swift? It won't be pretty. |