Counterpunch Coaching 1. Migrant Crime
A new feature of the No Agenda Newsletter, will be outlining standard arguments against some of the stupid narratives of the left and news media that seem so common. The most recent one appeared on a CNN panel where 5 Democrats ganged up on one naive Republican regarding crimes committed by illegal aliens. The basic crux of the pro-immigrant argument revolves around some facts and some dubious generalities. It consists of a variety of factors that may or may not include the following tidbits highlighted by the fact “that more Americans commit crimes than do illegal aliens.” This is sometimes reiterated by the dubious claim that, in general, illegals commit less crimes than American citizens even on a per capita basis. Other “piling on” claims are also made. The counter argument is easy and can and should be presented aggressively using the agreement technique followed by the counterpunch that corners the opponent. It would go like this: “Yes, this is all true, but totally irrelevant. Americans do commit a lot of crime. The policing and judicial systems are designed to combat this crime even as it fluctuates. That is not the point. There is a crime baseline and what you are saying is that because Americans commit crimes it is OK to further burden the system with additional crime, more crime committed by illegals. That's ok with you? That's what you are advocating? Stressing the system? Adding crime. Making it worse!” It's possible that the opponent might say, “That's not what I'm saying.” The response would be, “That's exactly what you are saying. That is what is sounds like to me. You want more crime on top of what we already have and you are here apologizing for it using dubious statistics as some sort of rationale for more crime. You are basically pro-crime.” This puts the opponent in a loop where they have to defend crime. It is hard to comeback from this sort of attack. This is especially true because few liberals have it thrown at them. You can add dimensionality to the debate by saying there are more than 300 million Americans to maybe 10-15 million illegals, so Americans are bound to commit more crimes in total. Various forms of ridicule could be employed there too. Using the “defund the police” commonplace into the mix would also be useful since advocates for illegal immigration are part of the same philosophical school that wants to get rid of the police. This is a simple straightforward counterpunch you can employ when you get the chance. |