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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Got Your Anti-Drone Hoodie Yet? [feedly]

Yet another product of Obama's drone campaign. You gotta love America's enterprising people!
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Got Your Anti-Drone Hoodie Yet?

It has been designed to hide me from the thermal imaging systems of unmanned aerial surveillance vehicles – drones. And, as far as I can tell, it's working well.

"It's what I call anti-drone," explains designer Adam Harvey. "That's the sentiment. The material in the anti-drone clothing is made of silver, which is reflective to heat and makes the wearer invisible to thermal imaging."

The "anti-drone hoodie" was the central attraction of Harvey's Stealth Wear exhibition, which opened in central London in January, billed as a showcase for "counter-surveillance fashions". It is a field Harvey has been pioneering for three years now, making headlines in the tech community along the way.
Harvey is well aware his work can seem a little before its time. "I wouldn't say many people have a problem being imaged by drones yet," he deadpans. "But it imagines that this is a problem and then presents a functional solution."