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Sunday, June 12, 2016
No Agenda-The Saturday Memo
Note from John C. Dvorak
Dear Producer,
This looks to be an incredibly slow day with virtually no checks in the mail to help the totals, and only a very few contributions to the show as of this writing.
But luckily (and palindromes bring luck) it is palindrome week! Using the American date schema all week is a palindrome today is 6-11-16 or 61116.
Elizabeth Warren has been chided for claiming to be 1/32 Cherokee for years. Cartoonists, editorialists and even No Agenda has done it. But now it is suddenly offensive? What changed?
Only a few can manage this generous donation so we are offering the affordable $61.16 palindrome donation. Have fun with this while contributing to the show. And if you want to avoid these crazy donation ideas, please just contribute what you can by clicking here. Every little bit helps.
Especially on what looks like a slow Saturday.
I noticed that much of what you heard discussed on the last show has bubbled to the top of the mainstream media coverage including the Clinton-Warren ticket and the potential for Hillary to be indicted by the FBI.
You long time No Agenda listeners have to be enjoying these recent shows. This analysis in only possible with your support. Please help the Sunday show by clicking here and helping us.
And consider what you pay for entertainment and compare that to what you contributeto your No Agenda Show.
Your dedicated co-host, PS Please mail checks and salutations to No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530.
Someone said I look like Elizabeth Warren's dog.
Still in Play. No Agenda has been on this since the beginning.