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Sunday, March 11, 2018
No Agenda-The Saturday Memo
If you want real analysis based on research and digging deeper into a story,No Agenda is your show. To keep it alive please support No Agenda any way you can. There are excellent ideas on thesupport page here.
Dear Producer,
Tomorrow is Mothering Sunday in the UK and a few other parts of the world. It’s become a copycat holiday reflecting Mother’s Day, which is a quasi-holiday celebrated in over 40 countries. Originally Mothering Sunday was the day when you went back to your “mother church” for mass. This meant the servants got a day off to do the same.
How ever you celebrate it, do it on the No Agenda Show with a Mothering Sunday donation of 3-11 in dimes or $31.10, include a call out message to Mom and we’ll break the rules of “no call outs under $50 for anonymity purposes” and give you and mum a call out. Say hi to your mom! Click here
And, we are also back to promoting the subscriptions. They are listed below.
The Show is healthier with sustaining donations known as subscriptions. Here are a few to choose from.
On tomorrow’s show, there is a lot to discuss including the situation with North Korea. The show has been advocating a meeting for years. Any normalization of relations would have one huge hurdle, the defense industries resistance.
Profits could be made in honest trade with N. Korea, including investment in the tourist industries. But they would never offset the money that is squandered selling armaments to S. Korea and setting up missile defense systems in the area.
Thus the main people that need appeasement are the CEO’s of the big defense industries. Unless some offsetting program is invented or engineered these folks will be using all their powers as lobbyists and influencers to stop Trump from getting very far.
In fact, the whole thing might get scuttled by these titans of war profiteering.
Among others, cannot be happy with "peacenik" Trump.
With No Agenda, you can be sure that you’ll get real insight to these world events based on honest analysis that you will not find anywhere else. This is because of the same corporate corruption that will fight Trump regarding N. Korea. No Agenda is only made possible with your support. Please help today by clicking here and contributing.
Your co-host, PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.