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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

No Agenda Newsletter


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Show 1278

Bugs on Biden

The American Dream is a hoax?
Dear Producer,
As the Covid-19 crises continues to ramp up with sketchy and possibly inaccurate testing ,  Joe Biden is making his move by pushing the Democratic Party Climate Change agenda. The new “point of no return” now seems to be nine years out.

No Agenda has passed its point of No Return and let’s keep it that way with continued support. You are the No Agenda Show, please help today with a generous donation. Help the show and donate today and remember you can contribute whatever you want. Click here and contribute what you think the show is worth to you. Everything helps. All credit cards accepted.
Funny billboard about defunding the police.
Various police departments having fun.
Tomorrow's show we look at the forces pushing what can only de called a veiled Marxist agenda. The latest examples come out of academia with the frontrunner being a book by Harvard Professor Michael Sandel, “The Tyranny of Merit.”

He makes the argument that the whole idea of so-called meritocracy is a massive hoax designed to trick Americans (and the British to a lesser extent) into thinking that if you work hard you’ll get ahead and be successful. In fact, according to the professor, the whole mechanism is designed to keep people in their place and a way to exploit the workers of the world to benefit the ultra-rich
Screen shot of PBS.
Note headline use of the word "exposes" as if this is anything but a thesis by one man. There would be no obvious PBS bias if the word "Suggests" were used instead. Classic propaganda.
You’ll hear some fascinating if not hilarious clips from this guy tomorrow. He is in the forefront of a massive movement within academia to debase what are considered American traditional values in favor of utopian and globalist nonsense. If you dig deep enough (which takes very little effort) you run right into the communist (small “c”) ideal of “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” This has proven to be a disastrous philosophy that just lingers, it seems, forever.

An interesting history of this concept can be read here. Although Marx coined the phrase, this idea goes much further back in history.
Cartoon about Communism
How this idea manages to survive within the highest levels of the influencer classes is hard to understand, but it does and it turns up as an underlying and approved concept within the newsroom itself, where we run into it while desconstructing and analyzing stories
Tomorrow you will also hear the most outrageous claim ever made by Joe Biden that nobody, let alone the “fact checkers” managed to catch or mention. It’s pathetic to say the least.
Biden in a field giving a speech.
Another Biden snooze-fest. This time with insects crawling all over him.
Grasshopper walking on Biden.
This pesky grasshopper was all over the podium and Biden. This was in addition to whatever was crawling on his neck that he kept slapping.
The show will be another gem that needs your support. Your No Agenda show covers and analyzes news better than any other source you will find. This is because the show is not owned by a large corporation and is solely supported by you.

THE NO AGENDA PLEDGE: There are no creepy advertisers or Chinese influencers telling us what to cover and how to slant things.

Please contribute to support the show today. Click here and be part of the team.
John C. Dvorak
PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
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Front Page of the Week Dept.
New York Post cover about Buzzkill.
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