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Saturday, September 26, 2020

No Agenda-The Saturday Memo


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Professor Amy Coney Barrett

Dems Offending Catholics
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screenshot of tweet from mad Democrat.
Wasn't Barbara Streisand going to leave the country forever if George Bush was re-elected? Why all these threats and no action?
Tomorrow is the last show before the Tuesday debates which are now difficult to cancel without angering the TV networks involved. Some predict that somehow Biden will get the Covid and have to cancel at the last minute.

“Look, here’s the deal. Not my fault. No joke.”

A variable in the debates is Chris Wallace who could never get Biden to come on his weekend show to answer questions from someone (Wallace) who would probably be voting for Biden along with much of the Fox News executive team. This has got to gnaw on Wallace and some retribution may show itself during the debates. They will probably be the most watched debates in the history of Presidential debates.
Joe Biden
Meanwhile, Trump is announcing a nominee for Supreme Court Justice as this newsletter is being sent out. The expected nominee is Amy Coney Barrett, the photogenic Federal Judge and law professor who happens to be a serious Catholic with 7 children (two are adopted Haitiian orphans) and clearly a saint by most accounts.
Amy Coney Barrett
The Federalist Society, which recommends Barrett, spells her name "Barnett" at this confab.
They get a grade of F for being so thorough.
The attack is coming and it will be by way of her style of evangelism and the fact that she is the member of a non-denominational group calling itself the People of Praise which is described by its detractors as a cult requiring an oath and strict adherence to guiding principles including obedience to husbands. You’ll find the code words for going after Barrett will include a discussion of the organization, which came out of Notre Dame University, as secretive. This word “secretive” will be used by the left constantly to disparage by innuendo. In fact, the group does not seem secretive at all.

There is even a former member of the organization from the smallish Corvallis, Oregon “branch” who will be coming forward to disparage the group and Barrett’s association with it. Barrett could skate past this obstacle easily as you will learn on tomorrow’s show.
People of Praise signage.
It turns out that her nomination is a minefield for the Biden camp since Joe is also a Catholic. This is going to be great.
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John C. Dvorak
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Mail-in Ballots Dept.
Screenshot of Alleged Election Fraudsters.
But remember, according to the M5M, there is no evidence that mail-in ballets ever invite fraud.
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