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Thursday, November 8, 2012

No Agenda Show Notes-Newsletter

No Agenda Show Notes-Newsletter

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Dear Producers and Supporters

We did very poorly over the last week for donations and wish to remind people that your contributions are what make the show possible. Please contribute what you can to the show by visiting the main donation page. Click here.

Thursdays Show Promises to be a Gem

After this silly election -- which we called months ago as a big Obama win -- has already produced some hilarity. We will discuss our separate opinions on what to make of it on the Thursday show which will be one for the archives!

A couple of interesting and immediate observations:

A scan of all the MSM news sources, none that we could find mentioned or discussed any third party candidate. The goal of the Libertarian party as stated at their convention was to get one million votes to show the political parties and the country that their ideas were important. Did anyone cover any of this? The vote total, as of Wednesday was 1,139,562. Try and find this data anywhere.

CNN went out of its way to breakdown ethnic voting patterns without ever mentioning how blacks voted. It was very strange to see. We discuss this on No Agenda.

Chris Matthews was berated for saying he was “glad we had that storm last week.” But what he actually said as an aside was never discussed. It was much more interesting. What was it? Listen to the Thursday show to find out.

Democrat shill and show host Cenk on Current TV said the Republicans will find a way to beat Obama by cheating. Really?

America also finally realized Diane Sawyer appears to be tipsey when on duty. No Agenda producers and listeners have known this for months.

We promise another great show on Thursday. Please listen in and please contribute to keep the show going.

John C. Dvorak & Adam Curry

PS Post the show on your own website and pass it around!
User Supported

The No Agenda Show relies on pure user support. Please contribute by visiting the donation page by clicking here.

Our mailing address is:
No Agenda Show
Box 339
El Cerrito, CA 94530

Checks sent directly to the PO Box are welcome.