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Sunday, May 5, 2019
No Agenda-The Saturday Memo
Saturday NA Newsletter
Show 1135
May 5 is Loaded with Importance!
What a day.
Dear Producer, Tomorrow’s show comes on a multi-whammy day as we celebrate the weirdest holiday of the year – Cinco de Mayo -- as well as Theodorable Dvorak’s second birthday. Since it is 5-5-19 (also in Europe!) it is one of the few event donations that are the same whether you put the month or day first.
Also, tomorrow is Liberation Day in the Netherlands. Let’s hear from the Dutch.
There are probably more historic events on May 5th than another other day on the calendar. Modern baseball’s first perfect game was thrown by none other than Cy Young on May 5, 1904. It’s also the original Europe Day. Just look at both the events and the sheer number of famous people born on May 5th here.
Or simply choose your own contribution by clicking here.
Theodore playing Mario Kart as a reward for recovering family passwords and bank account information.
Cinco de Mayo is pretty much a USA-based excuse to party and eat too many burritos. Woo hoo!
Tomorrow's show will be another whopper as the tag team media consisting of the NYT, WAPO, CNN and NBC is now hounding Attorney General Barr after he told the Nadler-led House Judiciary Committee to go pound salt because he wasn’t about to answer questions by random staffers rather than the committee members. He recognizes that this is just a ploy to keep rude or dumb questions asked by committee members from becoming TV or campaign soundbites. “Hey, I never said that, it was a staffer!”
You want to ask a question? Run for officce and get on the committee.
And there is plenty more including a continued analysis of the Venezuela Bolton botch as well as the new and fascinating Brexit re-do scheme.
Remember, No Agenda is like nothing else out there all because of your direct support. Advertisers and Corporate bosses simply do not allow this sort of discussion. Please keep the support coming. It’s worth it. Click here to contribute whatever you can.
No Agenda thrives only with your support.
Sincerely, John C. Dvorak & Adam Curry PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. PPS. Meet like-minded folks here.