It is quite apparent that these HG are completely afraid to play the game and just let Amanda lead, even though she is on the block now. Although Helen appears to be leading as well, her motives are a little different than Amanda's since Amanda doesn't want her to make it to the finals either due to the fact that she would get more votes in the jury over Amanda. They do a good job of making it appear there is a chance that the votes can be split enough to get rid of Amanda but... not likely. Helen walks away from the Candice meeting since Candice is on to her and knows that Helen controls the house (or mostly). Since Helen immediately walks away and goes to the HOH (head of house) room they decide to consider getting placing her on the block as the replacement POV (power of veto) which Spencer won.
Personally speaking, Amanda should be going home but from the way things look, it is still going to be Howard!