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Sunday, November 6, 2016
No Agenda-The Saturday Memo
If you want real analysis based on research and digging deeper into a story, No Agenda is your show. To keep it alive please support No Agenda any way you can. There are excellent ideas on thesupport page here.
The last show was not a financial success with only 3 credited producers and not a lot else. Please remember, that this show can only survive with your support. And anything helps. Click here today and keep No Agenda going.
Dear Producer, The holiday season confronts your show with an upcoming and momentous numerological event involving the major Asian lucky number 8 with show 880. As a cosmic coincidence this show falls right on Thanksgiving Day and we will be workingthat day for you . So this time anyone contributing the full $880 will get three executive producer credits, one for tomorrow’s show, one for show 880, and one for any upcoming show of your choosing. Click here and take advantage of this offer while helping the show.
Tomorrow is the last show before Americans choose a new President. Your No Agenda Show will have the best pre-show analysis and the best after election post mortem analysis after the election next Thursday, period.
This is because No Agenda is unencumbered by corporate advertising calling the shots. Even PBS has BNSF, big Agriculture and many of the top banks throwing their weight around.
To see how they throw it around, if you recall, a few years back the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation took away their money telling the PBS News Hour show that it needed a re-think and would only return after a make-over was accomplished to their satisfaction.
A complete make-over then took place as demanded. Eventually the Foundation returned to the list of “underwriters.”
What we say, goes. Get used to it.
Even commercial TV would not knuckle under like this. You have to assume that these underwriters influence more than just set design and format.
The No Agenda Show is solely funded by you. 100-percent. This is why last Thursday’s show was so disappointing because the support, except for Duke Nussbaum, was low. You can attribute it to a natural fall off after the Ninth anniversary show perhaps.
For today’s show please help with a contribution of any amount by clicking here.Every penny helps. If this show is important to you, help it continue.
Sincerely, PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support is needed.
This cat could easily become a phenomenon like grumpy cat. I see a lot of posters coming.