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Wednesday, January 19, 2022

No Agenda Newsletter


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Keep No Agenda alive and please support No Agenda any way you can.
There are excellent ideas on the support page here.

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A Collection of Classics

Pounding Trump!
Dear Producer,
There is a clear trend with the No Agenda support and it’s not good. For the last few shows it has been noticeable and there is no reason to think it will not continue. Support is down month-to-month by over 7-percent and it seems to be related to the winding-down of the pandemic.

This makes it clear that growing support for the show was crises support. As the crises wanes so dies support as producers take a ‘who needs it?” attitude. This is a phenomenon that you see in financial publications during a depression and people are looking for help. This leads to the re-introduction of an image from the past: the sad puppy.
Sad Puppy
Why have I, the sad puppy, been dragged into this yet again?
Click on me and help the show.
What’s ironic is that as seemingly dangerous as the coronavirus was, it doesn’t compare to the brinksmanship displayed by Joe Biden and the cast of the usual suspect war-mongers inhabiting the White House and wanting to start a war with Putin and Russia. Why do they want a showdown with Russia? “Because” that’s why!

How this mix of neo-cons and Kagan-ites and assorted creeps who still think that George Patton was right and that we should have turned on our WWII ally Russia right after the defeat of Germany. These are the same people that wanted our troops in Libya, Syria and throughout the Middle East. Why? “Just because.”

Your No Agenda Show follows these lunatics from cradle-to-grave better than any news analysis sources. And when a declared pandemic arrives on the scene No Agenda is drilling down immediately, not stoking the flames of dread and fear.

This show needs your support. Click here to contribute what the show is worth to you with a random donation of any amount.

And do yourself a favor and become an executive producer by clicking here.
NO AGENDA is Your Genuine Independent Media
Ever since around 2008 the only editorial cartoonists left working all seem to concur with the "official" government narratives and express it with zero skepticism. It's breathtaking. This cartoon may as well have been drawn by Tony Blinken.
Tomorrow’s Show
The forces of the Democratic party are seemingly worried sick about Trump running in 2024. They are also worried about Republicans taking over the House and Senate later this year in the November elections. One counter measure is to go after Trump legally using the party mechanisms. Thus the state of New York is making all sorts of claims against the former President and his family. Let’s see where this leads. Maybe keeping Trump out of the news would be a better strategy.
Clip of today's Google News
This was literally at the very top of Google News today
Newsletter Classics
For your amusement, the archives have been opened and some classic images have been unearthed for your amusement. Please enjoy.
Reiner tweeting about Balwin in 2018.
Maniacs from July 2018.
Globalism pic
When you hear complaints about globalism and the New World Order, this is what is being discussed. This the goal of globalism.
Globalism photo
Media moment. Typical "honesty" in M5M reporting.
Old coots,, literally.
Seen at the Solano Stroll Street Fair in California
Newsome and Harris laughing.
California politcos. Some things never change when it comes to the laughing hyena.
What is so funny??
Your No Agenda show covers and analyzes news without interference. This is because the show is not owned by a large corporation nor beholden to advertisers and is solely supported by you. There are no creepy advertisers, hypnotized pearl-clutchers, or conspiratorial CCP influencers telling us what to cover and how to slant things.

You make this possible. Only you! Please contribute to support the show today. Click here and be part of the team.
John C. Dvorak
& Adam C. Curry

PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
The Show is healthier with sustaining donations known as subscriptions. Here are a few to choose from.
The favorite is the lucky $33.33 a month.
 Click here.
The 2022 donation to celebrate this new era.
 Click here for that.
And there is a weekly version of that too. Click here.
Weenie of the Week
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No Agenda Show
box 339
El Cerrito, CA 94530