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Thursday, January 12, 2017

No Agenda Newsletter

No Agenda

Disgusting Fake News now an act of Desperation
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No Agenda Thursday Show

Laughable fake "MI-6" Memo Suckers CNN

Dear Producer,
The next show is a gem -- simply based on the news feed which includes a fabulous fake news story that was rolled out by Buzzfeed and picked up by CNN. Then CNN made fools of themselves in the process and were then banned from asking questions at the Trump news conference.

The details of the fake news is all over the net and hilarious in its assertion. In summary:
An out-of-work unnamed MI-6 guy was working for an unnamed political consultant to get the goods on Trump. He discovered Trump is “owned” by the Russians because they filmed his sexual perversions at the Ritz-Carlton Moscow. He hired two or more hookers to come into the Presidential suite to specifically pee on the bed Obama had previously slept in. He got some enjoyment from this. According to reports, the CIA has checked this unnamed MI-6 guy and he is credible says CNN.

The documents are here for your amusement.
As of this writing, after being busted, Buzzfeed is saying that publishing the docs was the right thing to do, even if fake. Next they will discover the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

When people talk about cheapening the public discourse and blame Trumo for it, they should think again and blame the current news scene with cable news and blogs providing information that is really schlock. There is no evidence that this will ever get any better or that our future Presidents will be any different than Trump.

Trump may be the archetype. Think about that for a while. Modern technology has taken us here.
No Agenda is the only news show that is produced by two technologists/analysts who understand this modern world of communications.  No Agenda is better than any broadcast or news outlet in making sense of it all for you.

Support No Agenda and relax with the knowledge that whatever your political position you have one lone news outlet with analysis that actually makes sense in context with the modern hi-tech world.

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Your Co-hosts,
John C Dvorak & Adam Curry
PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
Fur machine,
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