The Future of Tech, News and making sense of it all!

Monday, March 2, 2015



  • Bidentification
  • A picture named NA-700-Art-SM
  • Direct [link] to the mp3 file
  • Executive Producers: Lee Kenyon, Sir Bashir Osman, Anonymous, Sir Steven Van Der Have Count de Money, Sir AJ Rystad Baron of Yellowstone National Park, Sir David Foley Grand Duke of the USA, Sir Jason Fortun Baron of Fox Valley, Sir Tom Staniszewski of Great Bay, Alan Woodyard
  • Associate Executive Producers: Nicholas Raimondi, Rogue, Jeremy Cooper, Kristoffer Walker, Black Knight Sir Bryan Barrow, Sir Mark Wilson Baron of Glasgow
  • Executive Producers and 700 Commemorative Club Members: Sir Russell Williams, Ryan Merritt-Sir Smokesalot, InstaSlave, Sir Steven Pelsmaekers Grand Duke of France & Belgium, Sir Dwayne Melancon Duke of the Pacific NorthWest, Sir Adam Johnson, Sir Felix Cornici, Lee Kenyon, Sir Bashir Osman, Anonymous, Sir Steven Van Der Have Count de Money, Sir AJ Rystad Baron of Yellowstone National Park, Sir David Foley Grand Duke of the USA
  • Become a member of the 701 Club, support the show here
  • Knighthoods: Daniel Torrelio -> Sir Daniel Torrelio, Tom Staniszewski -> Sir Thomas of Great Bay, Marcjan Zawadzki -> Sir Bialy
  • Titles: Sir AJ Rystad -> Baron of Yellowstone and the Treasure Valley, Sir Jason Fortun -> Baron of the Fox Valley, Sir Sander Hoksbergen -> Baron of the Alps, Sir Kristoffer -> Baronet, Sir Brad Dougherty -> Baronet