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Friday, July 31, 2015

BB17 update-James is making the plans

There is always one rat in the house and that rat is most definitely Becky. Such a shame when she had a chance to have a f2 with Johnny and straight out said no to him "because it was too early".. whatever bitc@.. then to suck up to Van/Shelli/Clay's side just to stay when Jason leaves, only to stick with that side and ditch her friendship with Jackie whom she feels has been the trader anyway.. Note Jackie did NOT vote for Jason so that she wasn't a major target.. not that this matters now that James is HOH, but at the same time, Becky takes advantage of her friendship with Jackie to walk right in to the HOH along with Meg/Jackie/James to sort out the week ahead. I am hopeful this rat will get caught pretty quickly (thanks to Steve who wants to stay quite neutral--I won't say floater). Not that it should matter if Becky (the rat) wants to continue her style of game play this week because if James' main target (Shelli) doesn't go out the door then he has quite a few alternatives. The plan as I see it would be to nominate Vanessa and Liz. That way you have one from each power group and then depending on who plays for POV, if they don't win and take themselves off, there is a good chance that one of their power couples would and the back door would be either Shelli/Clay/Austin.. take your pick! James has a good week--rather easy week actually.. just like Vanessa and Shelli could have if they went with the house but instead they figured the HOH power would be more fun screwing up their own season by going their own way. All I can say is I am glad the power changed hands this week otherwise it was going to be one very boring season.