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Sunday, September 3, 2017
No Agenda-The Saturday Memo
C:\>print fact.txt If you want real analysis based on research and digging deeper into a story, No Agenda is your show. To keep it alive please support No Agenda any way you can. There are excellent ideas on thesupport page here.
Tomorrow is Adam’s birthday -- in the middle of the Labor Day three day weekend in the USA and Canada No Agenda is inviting you to join in with the birthday wishes donation of $53. This congratulates Adam and marks the end of summer. Click here to get on the list of well-wishers.
Adam was very touched by the support on Thursday. Thanks for that. Let’s try to top it on his actual birthday.
If anyone is part of the labor movement the show is offering a 9-4-17 or $94.17 donation to celebrate Labor Day and the No Agenda Show, which is a Labor of Love.
Labor Day was originally created by labor movement organizations to celebrate success. It came into being in 1882 as an idea. There was a lot of bickering over the official date of celebration and nothing got serious until the Pullman strike of 1894 when countless strikers were murdered by thugs hired by the corporation to bust up the strike.
All of a sudden, most of Congress were pro-labor and sympathetic. International Workers Day was traditionally set to May 1. This day was rejected in favor of the first Monday in September. May 1 was seen as celebrating both communism and various pagan rites. Both were unacceptable.
Many US holidays have been re-engineered to provide the public with 3-day weekends and this is one of them.
Tomorrow’s Show, of course, will lose a portion of the audience as usual because of the holiday. The news continues unabated and the show goes on and Adam is working on his own birthday during a holiday. Cheers to that. You can be sure it will be great as usual.
As a side note you will find a lot of people had their birthday around this day. I suspect this is accounted for because Sept. 1 follows New Years by exactly nine months.September 2 makes nothing but sense if you ask me. At lot of champagne is drunk.
It's a good idea to contribute support for the show. Anything helps. Click here!
Sincerely, PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support is important.
The Show is healthier with sustaining donations known as subscriptions. Here are a few to choose from.