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Wednesday, November 10, 2021

No Agenda Newsletter


No Agenda Times

Show 1398

Biden, the Scofflaw

Veterans DAY Special
Dear Producer,
Tomorrow’s show falls right on Veteran’s Day 2021. And it’s 11-11! To be an executive producer of the No Agenda Veteran’s Day 2021 Special, click here. It’s a great title to own and it helps the show.

As for everyone else please contribute to the show any way you can with any amount you can afford. What’s the show worth to you? Click here for that.

Remember that this show has no commercial interests or corporate support to corrupt the honest and unbiased analysis.
NO AGENDA is Genuine Independent Media.
Tomorrow's Show
The fight between Biden, the states AND the courts over vaccine mandates continues unabated. The administration appears to be ignoring the court orders and becoming a scofflaw at the federal level. This is not good for the country.
"Nobody tells me what to do, chumps/"
Where's Gavin?

A strange thing happened in California. The governor, Gavin Newsom, was all jacked up about going to COP26 with a contingent of 10 California legislators and, according to Newsom, telling the world how California in not only doing its part but leading the nation in Climate Change action.

Then he got his Covid booster. A couple of days later he disappears. Then the promised trip to COP26 is cancelled and nobody sees the governor for a couple of weeks until this last Sunday where he was spotted at the swanky marriage of heiress Ivy Getty presided over by Nancy Pelosi and packed with celebrities and California royalty. Still, as of today, nobody has been able to talk to him. Maybe his tongue swelled up.

Something is definitely up.

Ivy Getty, off the market.
Back to the Future

A new Covid vaccine has emerged from France which is being hailed as the be-all end-all because it doe not just target the spike protein. Read about it here. It’s nothing more than a traditional dead virus vaccine. Why wasn’t this done in the first place? Sheesh.

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John C. Dvorak &
Adam C. Curry

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Click here for that.
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Media in Lockstep
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