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Saturday, November 27, 2021

No Agenda-The Saturday Memo


Real Independent News
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Omicron, Anagram for Moronic!

Rinse, Repeat
Dear Producer,
Tomorrow’s show is traditionally the lowest “rated” show we do as people are often travelling or busy with family over the holiday weekend. This is why most media people take a vacation and do re-runs or bring in lackluster substitute hosts. The No Agenda tradition has always been to work through these days and hope you will step up to donate to make this dedication worthwhile.

So consider, first of all, an executive producership by clicking here.

Or you can contribute whatever support you can afford by clicking here for a random open donation to the show.

NO AGENDA is Genuine Independent Media.
Masked at table
Tomorrow’s Show
It looks like the establishment has decided to see how far it can go and a new super-mutated variant is now coming at us from Africa. First it was simply dubbed “B.1.1.529” which was never going to catch on and work to scare the public. So they collaborated and came up with “Omicron” which totally blows as people will call it a variety of names from “Omnicon” to “Ohmichron.”

Omicron may have been chosen since it is an anagram for MORONIC. Now they are shoving our gullibility right into our faces.

This variation is earmarked by a slew of spike protein mutations and should further end the vaccine mania as its doubtful the vaccine will work against it since it doesn’t work against the Alpha or Delta spikes or much of anything else, for that matter. Good timing for the Pfizer therapeutic, yes? Just on time! What a coincidence.
Fauci screenshot
Why waste time for it to actually appear, find the usual suspect and have him say he "thinks" it is here.
Smoke = Fire?
Meanwhile what is it about Ivermectin that keeps it in the news? This is a genuine “where there is smoke there is fire” moment. It time to be reminded of the research analysis site for the drug at Ivermectin Meta where you can read the “allowed” research yourself.
NIH Screenshot
What's this all about? Unreported and on the NIH.GOV site. Click on image.
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John C. Dvorak
& Adam C. Curry

PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
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Oddly amusing
Boris Johnson
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