The Future of Tech, News and making sense of it all!

Monday, September 29, 2014



  • Gap Focused Thinking
  • A picture named NA-656-Art-SM.jpg
  • Direct [link] to the mp3 file
  • Executive Producers: Sir Terry the cheap bastard of mobile bay, Sir Kurt of Team Winky, Sir Don Tomaso Di Toronto, Sir David Foley Grand Duke of the USA, Nicholas J Raimondi, Richard Riley
  • Associate Executive Producers: Tyler O'Brien, Brian Hall AKA Sir Ludark Babark Fudgefountain, Sir Don Kuehl, Timnonymous
  • 656 Club Members: Sir Don Tomaso Di Toronto
  • Become a member of the 657 Club, support the showhere
  • Knighthoods: Terry Stelly -> Sir Terry the cheap bastard of mobile bay, Kurt Winkelmuller -> Sir Kurt of Team Winky
  • New: Directory Archive of Shownotes (includes all audio and video assets used)

Sunday, September 28, 2014

No Agenda-Saturday Newsletter

Dear Producer,
As we hope to break the cycle of low donations Adam has been smeared by a Dutch gossip rag which claims he and Micky are separated and the marriage is falling apart. This was because Micky was touring  and happened to go to Holland to visit some friends without Adam, who has a show to do.

But this wasn’t the smear, that story was just planted gossip sheet bullcrap. It was thePhotoshopped pic of Adam to make him look goofy that was the smear. I was personally amused by this because here you have Micky looking stunning standing next to what appears to be a homely goofball rather than a guy with leading man good looks. The cover is reproduced below.


OK, you could do this too. This is one of the simplest Photoshop fixes you can manage. It’s the liquefy tool and, as you can see what I did with Biden below, you can make anyone look stupid. The Biden pic is a total of six liquefy strokes that took less than 60 seconds.

The mouth is brought in one each side (2 strokes). The lower lip dropped which brings down the teeth to give a buck-toothed appearance (1). Each eye area is brought towards the bridge of the nose (2). Caved in the side of his head a little (1). Six total strokes, a couple of tweaks, sixty-seconds, done.


Just using one tool

Un-retouched (at least not by me)

This tool developed from a software packaged called Goo from some years back that was designed to help people make goofy looking pictures. If I wanted to spend 10-20 minutes on Biden I could do a range of things using both liquefy and some other tools.

This is today’s world where you cannot trust your own eyes when it comes to both the still and the moving image. Woody Allen's Zelig (1983) toyed with modern manipulation of imagery. But Forrest Gump (1994) is credited as a seminal movie regarding creating bogus realities. Watch it again and assume everything going on in the background is bullcrap. These techniques became the star of the film Wag the Dog (1997). 17 years have passed since Wag the Dog. The techniques have made it so you cannot believe anything you see anymore.

What’s shocking is that the cheesiest green screen trickery and piss-poor manipulation techniques still fool a gullible public that cannot identify simple fakery like the orange and black “be-headings” or Adam’s goofball picture on a gossip rag.

The false reality comes at you from all angles, visual, aural, and informational. Lies are lies but they take many forms. Please consider yourself lucky because your No Agenda Showdiscovers the reality behind the lies by carefully deconstructing news in ways that always reveal and expose the manipulations. And as you have learned, it is everywhere!

This activity is important to you and your family and your friends. That is why we ask for personal support from each of you. It’s the only way this can work. Please help get us back on track with a contribution today by clicking here.

Your co-host,
John C. Dvorak

PS Visit the support page here and take out a subscription if you haven't already.


Cute puppies love No Agenda.

Friday, September 26, 2014



  • Network of Death
  • A picture named NA-655-Art-SM.jpg
  • Direct [link] to the mp3 file
  • Executive Producer: The Special Goodness
  • Associate Executive Producers: Todd McGreevy, Sir Herb Lamb of Saltcreek, Micky Keck
  • Become a member of the 656 Club, support the showhere
  • Knighthoods: Herb Lamb -> Sir Herb of Saltcreek, Kyle Bower -> Sir Late Knight
  • New: Directory Archive of Shownotes (includes all audio and video assets used)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

No Agenda Newsletter

 No Agenda
Dear Producer,
The show enters into October and we head to both show 666 and our 7th year. Please ask yourself what you get from this show then contribute what you can to make this show better and better.

The No Agenda Show is supported directly by you and solely by you. There is nothing out there like the No Agenda Show and you are part of it. It’s revolutionary.


There are no news analysis shows that approach the depth of analysis that is routine forNo Agenda. And to top that off the show is funded solely by you, the producer, and you the listener. Nobody else does it this way.

You are part of a great experiment in both supporting actual news coverage, actual news reporting, and in-depth news analysis. You are part of what we hope is a great heritage in new media: Honest and incorruptible news and analysis unaffected by advertisers or unseen bosses. No advertising whatsoever. No underwriting. No behind-the-scenes corporate octopus that would keep many of the stories off the podcast.

And, as producers, many of you have intimate knowledge of information and trends by virtue of your position or location or experience. The show uses your boots on the ground to give perspective to news stories that no mainstream media outlet will even allow. Every No Agenda producer benefits.

Old media correspondents.

When the smoke clears, you get what you cannot get anywhere else. Hours and hours of information and analysis of important stories that nobody else even acknowledges, let alone analyzes.

Ask yourself why only the No Agenda Show played the 911 tape from Sandy Hook. You heard it. There was nothing in it that begged for a media blackout. Yet no other outlets played it. Same with the most recent supposed ISIL videos. What's going on?

This is your neighbor who does not listen to No Agenda

But our ongoing revelations are just the tip of the unseen information iceberg. Insight and facts only available on No Agenda -- and you get them.

Reality is revealed on No Agenda because the show does not rely on the corrupting influence of advertising money. We rely on you and only on you. If you think this is a valuable part of your life – as you should -- you must continue with your generous support in any way you can.

1970-1977 Mary Tyler Moore Show.
Did anyone notice what this show was telling us about the news business?

Please help us do better than we did last Sunday. Here are a few of the current ideas for you to consider.

The Seventh Anniversary donation of $77.77
The beast donation of $666.00 which includes a double producer credit.
The mini beast 66.60 donation along with the micro beast 6.66 contribution.

And there is the counter-beast donations of 668 and 66.80 for those who refuse to deal with 666 for philosophical reasons. (The Reagan alternative).
And there is always the support page here and the open-ended donation here.

Those of you who have never contributed a dime, but love the show. You will feel better if you give something. Start today.

Your co-hosts,
John C. Dvorak & Adam Curry
PS Address checks to No agenda Show, Box 339 El Cerrito, CA. Notes in longhand especially appreciated.

Howling for help.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

iPhone 6 soaked in liquid-nitrogen shatters like a Terminator T-1000

What is wrong with people? The fact that people line up for days to be the first to get a new iPhone and then to be the first to do a drop test or to crush it completely simply boggles the mind... on second thought, I guess that would make sense as the same people actually WANTING an iPhone in the first place should be enough reason to not question why they also want to break it. #android people don't seem to have this issue!

iPhone 6 soaked in liquid-nitrogen shatters like a Terminator T-1000

Monday, September 22, 2014

How to Run Android Apps Inside Chrome on Any Desktop Operating System

As much as I want to be able to run my android apps on my chromebook, I started doing this tweak and then stopped, realizing Google will most likely get around to adding this in a very soon to be released beta version of the Chromebook O/S. As I already use the beta version I feel that is enough of a leap forward for me. Since I own two chromebooks and just love how they continue to get faster over time as new releases of the O/S are brought out, I figure this tweak is just one that I can hold off on. I know it will be great when it is available as a simple download from the chrome store but for now... fill yer boots people!

How to Run Android Apps Inside Chrome on Any Desktop Operating System



  • Q-Burn
  • A picture named NA-654-Art-SM.jpg
  • Direct [link] to the mp3 file
  • Executive Producers: Sir David Foley Grand Duke of The USA, Sir Don Di Tomaso Di Toronto
  • Associate Executive Producers: Sir Zog of Elwood, Lady Rosie of Kent, Sir Howard in Seattle
  • Become a member of the 655 Club, support the showhere
  • New: Directory Archive of Shownotes (includes all audio and video assets used)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

How to fix iOS 8 battery life problems

Seriously? Since IOS 6 it seems with the new release of IOS there always seems to be the complaints of poor battery life and ways to 'get around this'. In my opinion it is just one more obvious fact that Apple is heading in the wrong direction. From Bleeding edge to not even leading edge technology!

No Agenda Newsletter

Dear Producer,
This looks to be a slow weekend, probably due to weather. So we encourage needed weekend contributions to the show, please help with any amount whatsoever by clicking on the direct link for open donations. Or go to the support page here to help.

We have a tonnage of good stories and masterful deconstructions lined up for you ontomorrow’s show including the No Agenda interpretation of White House breaches as what wewitnessed Friday.


Yet, the Spiderboy Incident was under-reported

When this happens it is often done as a warning to Obama that he is not safe. It is used to keep him in line when he is straying away from some rigid policy. Your show will have an answer to what policy that might be. 

In August two toddlers caused a White House breach

Also you will get an excellent run-down of what happened in Scotland. After listening to the Scots carp about their plight for as long as I can remember they bail out when given the chance to actually do something about it. Fear, uncertainty, and self-doubt rules the day. We both have plenty of thoughts on this as I am sure you all do too.

The world-wide missing backbone phenomenon is an epidemic.

The American audience, in the meantime, is completely distracted by the NFL and its wife-beating players as if this is new.


Also, tomorrow is the “People’s Climate March” led by a slew of sellabretties like Leonardo DiCaprio. Adam has a deconstruction of the a-holes behind this and the money that funds them.

I scream for ice cream, I mean Climate Change!

You will want to listen to tomorrow’s show for sure. And help your No Agenda Show by clicking here.

Your humble co-host,

John C. Dvorak
PS If you are ever looking for the mailing address it is both at the bottom of these newsletters and on the support page here.
PPS Adam is in town for a Podshow reunion and should have some great stories for you.


We come from the planet Pluto. Take us to your lead dog

Friday, September 19, 2014



  • Evil Layer Cake
  • A picture named NA-653-Art-SM.jpg
  • Direct [link] to the mp3 file
  • Executive Producers: Sir TG Of My left Tongue-foo, Sir Don Tomaso di Toronto, Sir Robert Alter, Craig Mazella, Joshua Wychopen
  • Associate Executive Producers: Sir Greg Birch, Sir Michael Levin, Michael DeCock
  • Become a member of the 654 Club, support the showhere
  • Knighthoods:Sir TG Of My left Tongue-foo
  • Titles: Sir Dr Sharkey, Earl of Grantham & FEMA region IV.
  • Art By: MartinJJ
  • New: Directory Archive of Shownotes (includes all audio and video assets used)

People who work from home happier and just as productive as office-dwellers, study suggests

Oh come on, the study is wrong.. people that work from home are far more productive!

People who work from home happier and just as productive as office-dwellers, study suggests

Thursday, September 18, 2014

New York police search chopper, drone nearly crash over city streets

Yet another angle on the same event, this time from the Washington Post. It seems the Police chopper was "hovering" which means it was not moving so why would it need to swerve? Sounds to me like the pilot of the DJI Phantom device is the one that should be doing the swerving, otherwise he would have flown in to the hovering chopper. This also mentions 800 feet and if that were true then the DJI Phantom pilot was certainly above the 400 foot FAA regulations and should be 'penalized'!

New York police search chopper, drone nearly crash over city streets - Washington Times

Drone Nearly Collides With NYPD Helicopter; Brooklyn Man Arrested

The way I see this, it's pretty simple. With all DJI Phantom models they have built in GPS software which will not allow the unit to take off if it is within the 5 mile radius of a major airport. Therefore if this dude was in fact flying in an area that was safe to be doing so, and below the 400 foot range, it sounds to me like it is pretty much up to the individual flying it as well as the pilot of the chopper, since they don't have set flight plans either. There is no doubt that he was being used as an example for further FAA involvement.

Drone Nearly Collides With NYPD Helicopter; Brooklyn Man Arrested - Fox News Latino

Suspended Vikings WR Simpson cited for pot

Ok I get it, Pot is not legal in most states, but the fact that it is in two presently, should be enough for a league of steroid overused bruisers that obviously need a lesson/education on anger management, should welcome the use of a 'recreational drug' like marijuana.  Something needs to change in the NFL with regards to anger/abuse of family and friends of those current players--doling out a prescription for pot seems like a perfect solution, instead of suspending them for using it!

Suspended Vikings WR Simpson cited for pot

Apple's iPhone 6 Has Finally Convinced Me To Ditch My Compact Camera

Seriously?  The more I read these articles referring to the "new iphone 6" and how it is changing the way people think about their device.. all of which are Apple fanboys, it truly has me shaking my head.  Yes, true the new iphone has a better camera/lens but Samsung and and many other Android phones, including the Windows phones, have had better cameras for years!  What I have yet to see is any one of these iphone users actually provide enough negative criticism towards the latest product by comparing it to any android phone from even a year ago, to come out and say "hey, this is no good, there is no real news here and no bleeding edge technology that is pushing Apple to the forefront once again".

As much as I want to love Apple products, like I did when that first ipod touch came out, along with the iphone 3.. there really hasn't been enough to scream and shout about.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

No Agenda Newsletter

 No Agenda
Dear Producer,
A lot happened since Sunday and your No Agenda Show is on it as usual. This includes a startling analysis of the Miss America Pageant, which has apparently changed to an extreme. Listen to a No Agenda discussion about a cultural shift. Good or bad?

Here is the picture teased in the email subject line. Hard to tell what is going on
or why the other girls are applauding
. Are they kissing?

The audience seems to be in freefall insofar as support is concerned. Most notable is the incredible lack of any sort of support for the 7th anniversary for No Agenda. Why is this? Are people waiting for the actual anniversary? Possible. Is the “sack of sevens” unattractive, maybe. Any suggestions would be useful. And remember you can always contribute a random amount by clicking here.

WRONG! This appeared then disappeared from what appears to be a UN-related site.

John and Adam will discuss the ramifications of the ISIS versus ISIL nomenclature. Why does the government insist on ISIL and the media insist on ISIS? Is there a real reason?

Ebola seems to be the center of attention and there is new information.

Code Pink biddies appeared at the grilling of Hagel and Dempsey

Plus, in yet another Congressional hearing, John McCain nearly calls the head of the joint chiefs of staff of the military an idiot. Almost. Why does McCain hate this guy so much? Your No Agenda Show knows why.

"Jets go zoom, like this, dummy."

And let's not forget the Scottish election, the results of which will probably be in by the end of the show.

This is the only show that discusses the behind the scenes reasons for today’s current events. Support the No Agenda Show by visiting the support page often. Click here.

You get over 25 hours of outstanding news analysis and entertainment. All you are asked for is a value-for value contribution.

Your co-hosts,
John C. Dvorak & Adam Curry
PS For checks and well wishes please use our post office box at No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito, CA 94530

Kittens deliver more donations, says the kitten