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Wednesday, June 1, 2022

No Agenda Newsletter


True Independent Media
Keep No Agenda alive and please support No Agenda any way you can.
There are excellent ideas on the
 support page here.

The No Agenda Sceptre

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The POX !

TV is Bad for Your Mental Health!
Dear Producer,
As Amber Heard and Johnny Depp wrap up their show, the Putin-Zelenskyy variety show continues in prime time pitted against the Roe vs Wade Mystery Hour. Up and coming are the various second amendment-based shootem-ups vying for attention. Old standbys such as Everyone Hates Trump and the Anthony Fauci Show are still popular along with the educational series on PBS promoting socialism.

Your No Agenda Show has reviewed all these shows and have concluded that you have better things to do with your time than watch TV. As you learned last week regarding the Davos meetup, there is a lot more going on worldwide which directly affects you than whatever celebrity gossip and phony protests are being boosted by the mainstream media to get you to watch advertisements.

Support your No Agenda Show with a random donation today by clicking here for that--  knowing that every little bit helps.

Or do everyone a great favor, including yourself, by becoming a No Agenda Executive producer. Click here for that.
NO AGENDA is Your Genuine Independent Media
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Tomorrow's Show
It’s a borderline show for rolling out the sad puppy if things do not pick up. Donations are not going to improve if the current news cycle cannot come up with something other than the scourge of monkeypox or Sarah Palin continuing to sue the New York Times.
news clipping
Unlike other news analysis shows No Agenda concludes that world events are more important that the US Mainstream media lets on. But that does not mean ignoring Joe Biden speeches which can be phenomenal. Get ready for some whopper clips. Great show tomorrow.
John C. Dvorak
& Adam C. Curry

PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
The Show is healthier with sustaining donations known as subscriptions. Here are a few to choose from.
The favorite is the lucky $33.33 a month. Click here for that.
It has superseded the once popular $11.11 month. More lucky numbers click here.
Most recently the show offered the $4 a week or 75-cents an hour subscription which has become very popular. Click here for that.
There is also the $50 a month Knighthood layaway for 20 months. Click here for that.
And, of course, there is the do-it yourself open donation which is always welcome.
The 2022 donation to celebrate this new era. Click here for that.
And there is a weekly version of that too. Click here.
Hypocrite of the Week
Hypocrite of the week
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No Agenda Show
box 339
El Cerrito, CA 94530