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Thursday, August 7, 2014

No Agenda Newsletter

 No Agenda
Dear Producers,
Last Thursday donations were down and remained so until Sunday and they are down again. Please note that your help is needed more during the slow summer months. If you have never contributed, this may be the time to do so. No Agenda Show coverage of breaking and trending news with unique analysis is valuable to you and needs continued support. Click here to help, please.


Working together for better news analysis with everyone's help.
There is a lot to cover on Thursday including the emergence of latent Jew hatred in the EU, the emergence of a “miracle” treatment for Ebola, and the emergence of the torture report from the US government.

Emergence! My shoe!

All these events are peculiarly orchestrated with odd characteristics that have the stench of public-relations manipulations.

The "Telling You What to Think" PR choir. Now playing everywhere!
These stories and more will be covered on the Thursday show along with the appearance of numerous stories about the so-called “Robot Economy” that some group lurking in the shadows is trying to make into a meme. The No Agenda Show is on it.


If you’ve listened to the last few shows you’ve heard well researched alternative explanations for many news items. The solid debunking of the “97-percent of all scientists agree” meme is well worth a generous donation. Look at the support page for some good ideas.

You co-hosts,
John C. Dvorak & Adam Curry
PS The show looks forward to seeing personal notes and checks in the PO Box. Write and donate to No Agenda Show, Box 339 El Cerrito, CA 94530


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